BOPPS Liens =========== o Please add the following items to the labels, or if that is not feasible as a supplementary data product indexed to the observations: - airmass - exposure time - pixel scale - shift information for coadded data - expected or approximate location of the target(s) within the image Please contact SBN for the latest information on descipline dictionary development - some of these are scehduled to be included in dictionaries currently on the verge of release. o In the file that describes the BIRC field of view, please add: - an explanation that the field of view is circular and give the pixel diameter; - an explanation for why the filter 1 field of view appears to be square, not circular; - indicate whether this pixel diameter is the same for coadded images, and if not, how it varies; and - if possible, add a figure to the PDF that shows a typical image with "image" and "dark calibration" areas labelled (an example is in bopps_review_knight.ppt). o In the collection description, please add a brief summary of the field of view characteristtics, including the area used for dark calibration. o In the status/point/*.tab files: - The unit of measure for gondola altitude should be "m", not "km". o status/pointing/*.tab (and S3.7.1 in SIS) - Gondola altitude appears to be in m (not km). - Gondola latitude/longitude appear to be near 0, but this does not seem correct - please make sure this is prominently explained. Note that these also affect information in the SIS document. o If possible, please add elements to the BOPPS dictionary and corresponding labels to hold golndaol altitude, latitude, longitude, and any known or estimated errors/uncertainties. o In the raw/preflightandascent/videocheckout labels, the term "penthouse" is used but never defined in the documentation. Please add a definition in at elast one place a user is likely to find it - like the collection description. o The *_description.txt files contain non-ASCII characters. This is not necessarily a problem, but please check that: a) these character are the intended UTF-8 characters; and b) the labels decsribe these files as "UTF-8 Text" and not "ASCII Text". SBN can assist with this as needed. o In boppssis.pdf: - One reviewer suggested "p.26-75 suggest color coding the example labels so they are more parsable to a human". If this can be done easily WITHOUT impairing readability for color-blind individuals, please do. SBN can help with Section 508 testing, if needed. Typographical errors o groundcalibration/photon_transfer_test/*.xml - read_sigma_sqrt2: "of two of two" -> "of two" o all *_description.txt files: - Last line of 2nd paragraph: "Critean" -> "Chretien" o documents/bopps_1000.xsd - There is a typo in the description here : "aqcuire" o documents/boppssis.pdf - Throughout the document "data" should be plural, not singular - p.1: Should the effective date be "2015" instead of "2016"? - p.2: To whom should questions/comments be addressed? [line appears truncated] - p.5, S3.1, line 7: "the comet ISON" should use the official designation "comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)" - p.5, last line: "C/2013 Siding Spring" -> "C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)" - p.7, S3.2, line 8: "Temperatures and relays data" -> "Temperature and relay data" - p.15-16 pcx1, paf5, paf6, paf7, paf8, paf9: "PANSTARRS" -> "Comet C/2012 K1 (PANSTARRS)" - p.16 sif1-sif6: "Siding Spring Comet" -> "Comet Siding Spring" - p.17, siha, sihb, sica, sicb, scf1, scha, scca: "Siding Spring" -> "Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1)" - p.17 jaha: "Jacque" -> "Jacques" - p.18 jacb, jacc: "Co2" -> "CO2" - p.19, S3.6 is indented relative to other text on the page. - p.20, S3.7 text in paragraphs is indented differently than rest of document - p.20, S3.7.2, para 3, line 2: Should "deviation_right" be "deviation_az"? - p.21, "ra_cmd", "dec_cmd" should have units specified. - p.21, telequat*: If non-defined values are 999.00000, this should be clearly indicated. - p.24, S3.7.5, line 3: "Appendix 8" -> "Appendix A" - p.24, last line: "The standard deviation of two differenced" seems to be truncated. From XML, I think it should read "The standard deviation divided by the square root of two differenced bias frames. Fields 'file1' and 'file3' identify the two raw bias images used." - Appendix: Throughout the appendix there are references to "see Appendix". Should these say "see Appendix B"? - The paragraph starting on p.77 and going to p.78 switches verb tense. Should be in past tense throughout to be consistent with rest of Appendix A. - p.81 “A general reference is JR Janesick, ‘Photon Transfer’, published 2007.” should be expanded to provide the full citation. - p.82, last paragraph: “The minimum exposure frame is subtracted from the commanded exposure frame for bias correction.” Everywhere else, the commanded exposure is described as being subtracted from the bias. Is this a typo or is it unique to calculation of the read noise?