[ERROR] means that there is an error that needs to be fixed. [WARN] means that there may be an error or that there is an error that may be ignored. [DISCUSS] should be brought in the review for discussion. =============================================== NOTE: (1) Last COSAC delivery was 2015-08-05. Current delivery date was 2016-01-21. =============================================== Datasets Validated: RL-C-COSAC-2-FSS-V1.0 RL-C-COSAC-2-RBD-V1.0 RL-C-COSAC-3-FSS-V1.0 RL-C-COSAC-3-RBD-V1.0 RL-CAL-COSAC-2-PDCS-V1.0 RL-CAL-COSAC-2-PHC-V1.0 RL-CAL-COSAC-3-PDCS-V1.0 RL-CAL-COSAC-3-PHC-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) [ERROR] files: ' ... /*.PDF' --> Ensure that all PDF files should be in PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b format. [ERROR] file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> Confirm that the START_TIME and STOP_TIME values are correct. There are times when the end date is far after the data was taken and times when calibrated time range is outside that found in the raw data. [WARN] file: 'DOCUMENT/COSAC_CALIBRATION_DESC.TXT' --> Change file extension from "*.TXT" to "*.ASC". Remember to update DOCINFO.TXT and LBL file. [WARN] file: 'DOCUMENT/COSAC_LOGBOOK_001.TXT' --> Change file extension from "*.TXT" to "*.ASC". Remember to update DOCINFO.TXT and LBL file. [ERROR] file: 'INDEX/BROWSE_INDEX.LBL' --> "BROWSE_INDEX_TABLE" does not contain required element "INDEX_TYPE". [SUGGEST] files: 'LABEL/*.FMT' --> Suggest adding FORMAT keyword to each column. =============================================== Errors for: [WARN] file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> The STOP_TIME for the FSS data sets are 6 weeks past the end of time found in the data. --> Was the RBD phase have a time difference (STOP_TIME minus START_TIME) of 0 seconds really true?