[ERROR] means that there is an error that needs to be fixed. [WARN] means that there may be an error or that there is an error that may be ignored. [DISCUSS] should be brought in the review for discussion. =============================================== NOTE: (1) Level 2 data sets were delivered on 2016-01-15. Level 3 was delivered on 2016-01-27. =============================================== Datasets Validated: RL-C-ROLIS-2-FSS-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) [ERROR] files: ' ... /*.PDF' --> Ensure that all PDF files should be in PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b format. [ERROR] file: 'AAREADME.TXT' --> The File Format section is not relevant to this data set. This data set has FITS file, not ascii tables. --> The data set contents tree is not accurate. Suggest simplifying it and pointing *INFO.TXT files to get more details. [ERROR] file: 'CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT' --> typo: "REFERENCE.CAT" => "REF.CAT" in level 2 data sets. [ERROR] file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> [DISCUSS] The DATA_SET_DESC is very very sparse and NOT unique to a data set. Should it be expanded? For example to say briefly what CIVAM and CIVAP data are and when they are or are not included. [ERROR] file: 'CATALOG/INST.CAT' --> typo: There are several cases of missing single quote mark. Below are a couple examples. Remember to update LABEL_REVISION_NOTE when corrections are made. --> --> line 44: "surface s" => "surface's" --> --> line 163: "Lander s" => "Lander's" [ERROR] file: 'DATA/*.LBL' --> [DISCUSS] For the geometry keywords (SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE) are specified as "N/A", but is that true? Would the value of "0" or "UNK" more appropriate? Would it be different for comet vs calibration targeted data sets? [ERROR] files: 'DATA/*.RIM' or 'DATA/*.CIM' --> [DISCUSS] If these are FITS files, as the labels mention, then the extension for the file should be changed from "*.RIM" or "*.CIM" to "*.FIT". [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT' --> lines 4-5: These are duplicate lines of 1-2. Please delete. [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/RL_ROLIS_LOGBOOK.TXT' --> File extension should be "*.ASC". Please rename file. Remember to update LBL file and DOCINFO.TXT file. [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/ROLIS_CALIBRATION_DESC.TXT' --> File extension should be "*.ASC". Please rename file. Remember to update LBL file and DOCINFO.TXT file. --> File text is currently "TBD" in level 2 data sets. Please replace with version found in level 3. [ERROR] file: 'INDEX/BROWSE_INDEX.LBL' --> "BROWSE_INDEX_TABLE" does not contain required element "INDEX_TYPE". [ERROR] file: 'VOLDESC.CAT' --> The VOLUME_VERSION_ID should be changed to "VERSION 1" --> The VOLUME_IDs will eventually conflict with cruise phase ids. Suggest as was done with CIVA, to start id number in 2###. --> The VOLUME_ID for level 3 needs to be updated since it matches level 2. Suggest doing what was done with CIVA, to start id with "RLROL3" instead of "RLROL2". =============================================== Errors for: RL-CAL-ROLIS-2-PHC-V1.0 [WARN] directory: 'DOCUMENT/' --> Is there a reason this data set does not have a "RL_ROLIS_LOGBOOK.TXT" file?