[ERROR] means that there is an error that needs to be fixed. [WARN] means that there may be an error or that there is an error that may be ignored. [DISCUSS] should be brought in the review for discussion. =============================================== NOTE: (1) This is validation of level 3 samples for RPCIES delivered on 2016-01-15 to PDS. =============================================== Datasets Validated: [samples only] =============================================== Errors for: [samples only] [ERROR] files: 'DATA/*.LBL' --> [DISCUSS] UNIT = "(m^2 * s * sr * (eV/eV counts/particle))^-1" is 43 characters which is larger than the 40 max. Need to find better. For starters, there should not be white spaces, and the carrot '^' signifying to the power of, should be '**'. --> MD5_CHECKSUM keyword will need to be updated due to fix needed in data file. --> FILE_RECORDS and ROWS need to be updated to reflect true size of data files. --> Column 2: FORMAT should equal "I11" from "I16" --> All FLUX columns, FORMATS of "F16.4" should be "E16.4" since data is in exponential format. Along with this change, the MISSING_CONSTANT should be changed from "-1.0000" to "-1.000E+00", to reflect what is shown in the data and the exponential format. --> Column 2 should have added a keyword: UNIT = 's', as is described in the DESCRIPTION. --> [DISCUSS] Several of these keywords seem much more precise than is possible to know. Please do not over exaggerate your precision. --> --> Known affected keywords: SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE --> There are two NOTE fields. There can only be one. --> The two NOTE fields contradict each other. --> The last 3 comments were already talked about and fixed in the level 2 data. Please fix it here too. [ERROR] files: 'DATA/*.TAB' --> Add carriage return before each line feed. This will make the file compliant and make the ROW_BYTES field correct. [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/IES_L3Flux_Analysis.pdf' --> All PDF files should be in PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b format when included in the formal data set. --> Is this document (or something similar) going to be included in the formal data set(s)?