[ERROR] means that there is an error that needs to be fixed. [WARN] means that there may be an error or that there is an error that may be ignored. =============================================== NOTE: (1) Second delivery of 1010, but first of 1186. =============================================== Datasets Validated: RO-X-RSI-1/2/3-PRL-1010-V1.0 RO-X-RSI-1/2/3-PRL-1186-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) [WARN] files: ' ... /*.PDF' --> All PDF files must be PDF/A-1a or -1b compliant. This should be implemented for future deliveries. [NOTE] files: 'CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/MET/*.LBL' --> These files may pose a problem at review due to how they are structured and have almost no description of the format of the data. --> --> Present error: "FILE" does not contain required element "FILE_RECORDS". [WARN] file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> The LABEL_REVISION_NOTE should reflect label revisions for this data set. Since this is a new file for a new data set, it should only have a record for 'initial creation'. [WARN] file: 'CATALOG/INST.CAT' --> This file has removed all prior LABEL_REVISION_NOTE history from 2003 thru 2004. [WARN] file: 'CATALOG/TARGET.CAT' --> There is a more recent version of this file, but this one is acceptable. [ERROR] file: 'INDEX/BROWSE_INDEX.LBL' --> "BROWSE_INDEX_TABLE" does not contain required element "INDEX_TYPE". [NOTE] files: 'DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/*/*.LBL' --> These files may pose a problem at review due to how they are structured and have almost no description of the format of the data. --> --> Present error: "FILE" does not contain required element "FILE_RECORDS". [WARN] file: 'VOLDESC.CAT' --> The LABEL_REVISION_NOTE does not apply to this data volume. =============================================== Errors for: RO-X-RSI-1/2/3-PRL-1010-V1.0 [ERROR] STOP_TIME --> There are 18 files that have STOP_TIMES outside the range listed in the following files: --> --> VOLDESC.CAT: DESCRIPTION --> --> DATASET.CAT: ABSTRACT_DESC, STOP_TIME, DATA_SET_DESC --> --> elsewhere? --> --> Note: Final STOP_TIME may need to change to '2014-03-30T23:14:31.000' =============================================== Errors for: RO-X-RSI-1/2/3-PRL-1186-V1.0 [ERROR] START/STOP_TIME --> There are many files that have START_TIMEs and STOP_TIMEs outside the range listed in the following files: --> --> VOLDESC.CAT: DESCRIPTION --> --> DATASET.CAT: ABSTRACT_DESC, STOP_TIME, DATA_SET_DESC --> --> elsewhere? --> --> Note: Final START_TIME may need to change to '2014-04-13T17:10:11.000' and STOP_TIME may need to change to '2014-04-14T02:15:46.000'