Comet Polarimetry Certification: Not certified. Delta review is sufficient once liens have been resolved. The main issue with this data collection is that it includes unpublished data which are not described properly. As new data, they need additional documentation to describe their source and assure the quality of the data. The user must be able to find information on the telescope, instruments and conditions of the observations, which in other cases the user gets from the published references. The reviewers suggest that all unpublished data are presented in a separate file(s) and those files have description of the observations (as described above) in the labels. This may be even a separate directory that also includes some documentation on the details of the observations. Note, that archiving the data in PDS means their publishing, i.e. a PDS data collection can be used as a reference. Other liens There seems to be a fair number of miscellaneous values and information provided in the earlier, PDS3, version that was omitted in this update. They need to be restored. Specifically, the original dataset included a description of the filters used, with citations. This should be incorporated into the dataset overview or table label. The reference system for position angles (Celestial, E of N) should also be given. Please, check the other missing parameters comparing this and previous DBCP. The sign on the linear and circular polarizations were described in the previous dataset version, and this text should be integrated into the dataset overview or table label. An important point is that if the sign on linear polarization is given, the position angle is typically omitted. Thus, linear polarization is presented in two ways: with the sign and without the sign when the sign need to be determined by using the polarization plan. Thus, if somebody wants to plot polarization values, in some cases the values at small phase angles have positive and in some cases – negative values. Should be done consistently, i.e. all negative values should have the sign. There is a wavelength of 2696 angstroms listed. This is probably a typo. The author list is "Anonymous" but the collection overview refers to data provided by the authors. The author list from the last version has been dropped. A proper author list needs to be provided. Reconsider missing constant for circular polarization (should be at least 99.99) Provide a better description of the errors in linear polarization: do they mean absolute or relative error? A definition of the error should be provided. Liens on the data label. The comet name field in this file is poorly described and should be broken down to specify the constituent IDs (the standard practice in other SBN files). See examples of a proper name presentation in Date: Cols 2 - 4 should be read as one field (whether fraction of a day is included or not) If fraction of a day is included, then field should be: YYYYMMDD.DD If fraction of a day is not included, then field should be: YYYYMMDD . Field Number 8: Diaphram: is this what observers usually call “aperture”? Please, replace or define it. A description what you mean here would be helpful . If you change it to aperture, please, change it everywhere in the dataset where you mention this. Field Number 10: description: too short and terse; maybe it can match the description from Field Number 11 (units are different, but definition is the same) Field Number 12: Description: Technically correct, but common usage is arc sec from comet center, so add an example with arcsec too. Field Number 13: Field of “P” is not ideal, this should be more explicit (as is the case for “Polarization Angle” and “Circular Polarization” (i.e. it should be “Linear Polarization”) Field Number 15: Position Angle: description: reference angle to 0deg east as it also defines the sign (positive or negative); also see above. Field Number 20: SCA; helpful to have the definition of the SCA.