Subject: Re: comet polarimetry dataset (fwd) From: Ludmilla Kolokolova Date: 8/31/2016 12:48 PM To: Elizabeth Warner Elizabeth, These are Carol Neese comments to the polarimetry dataset (below). Thank you. Ludmilla ============================================================================== Ludmilla, Jesse has generated the comet polarimetry data set with OLAF and PDS3to4, I just checked it over and it looks fine for PDS4, but I see a couple things that should probably be fixed in OLAF and the data set regenerated. This could be done before review to clean it up, or leave it until the liens resolution after review. All minor points, but these are some of the same things Anne complained about in our asteroid review data sets so she will probably complain about them here too. - The product description should not repeat all the column start bytes and descriptions. Instead it should give a short description of the contents of the table. This affects both product labels. - Year, month, and day should be given in a single observation_date column in the table instead of broken into three columns of year, month, and day. - Some numerical columns have missing constant values in the table, such as -999999, but these are not specified in the label. If you want to fix these and/or other things in OLAF before the review, fix them and let Jesse and me know so Jesse can regenerate the PDS4 version. (zip file attached) Carol > > On Jul 21, 2016, at 7:57 AM, Ludmilla Kolokolova wrote: > > > > Carol, > > > > This is great to know that the data collection will be prepared with the updated PDS3/4 tool. I was worried about Anne getting unhappy with the data. But it looks this will not be a problem. Hope the data itself is OK too. > > > > Thank you very much. > > > > Ludmilla > >