urn:nasa:pds:compil-comet:polarimetry::1.0 Compilation of Comet Polarimetry Compiled from Published Sources Mike Kelley, UMD (Second Reviewer) * Documentation The dataset overview describes the data provider methodology. It is brief, but clear. Except for the liens below, the dataset can be understood as is, and does not require critical information from external references. LIEN: The author list is "Anonymous" but the collection overview refers to data provided by the authors. The author list from the last version has been dropped. LIEN: The reference system for position angles (Celestial, E of N) should also be given. LIEN: The original dataset included a description of the filters used, with citations. This should be incorporated into the dataset overview or table label. LIEN: The sign on the linear and circular polarizations were described in the previous dataset version, and this text should be integrated into the dataset overview or table label. An important point is that if the sign on linear polarization is given, the position angle is typically omitted. * PDS Labels and Meta Data LIEN: dbcp.xml: Science_Facets/wavelength_range is "Visible", but there are also infrared data. Shortest wavelength is 2696 Å. Is UV appropriate? LIEN: dbcp.xml: Reference_List/Internal_Reference/comment: Spelling Correction, "fill" -> "full". LIEN: dbcp.xml: File_Area_Observational/.../Field_Character[name="Day and Fraction"]/unit: "Ut" -> "UT". LIEN: dbcp.xml: File_Area_Observational/.../Field_Character[name="Wavelength"] : Missing a definition (-9999). LIEN: dbcp.xml: File_Area_Observational/.../Field_Character[name="Diaphragm Position"] is missing units. They should be provided in the table or the description should indicate offsets without units are expressed as arcseconds. LIEN?: Instead of comet "73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3" with "Diaphragm Position" set to "segment C" the proper designation of the fragment should be given in the name column. LIEN?: dbcp.xml: File_Area_Observational/.../Field_Character[name="Pages"] : Some journal citations use article ID. No one will be confused with the current description, but it can be improved via "The pages [or article id] of the cited paper."