{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;\f1\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \ \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f1 \cf0 Liens for New Horizon SWAP data sets (Dec 2016 peer review)\ -----------------------------------------------------------\ * Last updated 2016-12-09 by SBN:T.Barnes\ \ Certification Status: Not certified. Require delta review after lien resolution (because of 0x585 label issue and documentation issues).\ \ \ Unresolved lien from May 2016 review: L2 data set contains L3 sample data plots. Please remove and add sample plots of the L2 data. Plots look the same (same panels, units) but I have found examples where the L2 summary plot contains more data then the L3 plot for the same day (swap_001day_201501132359.png).\ ** No-change. The P1 lien requested that the sampleswapplots directory be removed, not data_summary_plots. This change has been implemented in all new datasets.\ \ Emily notes there is a problem in the document directory in that a label that lists PNG files does not list the same number of files as actually found in the directory. (Already in "notes" [?] with other comments.)\ ** See 73. Fixed.\ \ directory: 'document/data_summary_plots/'\ --> Multiple summary plots are generated in the data set. But some are black. Is this No Data or Plot Failure?\ ** Fixed. Made a note in the label file and swap.cat that this is expected behavior.\ \ file: 'calib/background_009_dac.lbl'\ --> typo near #4: 'backgroun' => 'background'\ ** Fixed\ \ file: 'calib/background_009_dac_jup.lbl'\ --> typo near #4: 'backgroun' => 'background'\ ** Fixed\ \ file: 'calib/calinfo.txt'\ --> typo: remove the '19' from "spacecraft throughout the mission.19"\ ** Fixed\ \ file: 'nh-p-swap-*-pluto-v2.0/catalog/dataset.cat'\ --> Delete the text "to the" from the line that starts "to the data will be delivered"\ ** Fixed\ \ files: 'data/*/*0x584_sci.*\ --> For extension 14 (SPICE Orbit Attitude Calc), the PDS label column names/descriptions and fits headers describe calculations for Jupiter instead of Pluto. Is this correct?\ ** This is correct for now. We will be updating the column names and values in the extension for Pluto as part of P3.\ \ --> There may be a discrepancy between the FITS header size \ ** This issue overlaps the prior one, for P3?\ \ --> In the EXTENSION_SUMMARY_TABLE column descriptions, the text "RALPH" or "RALPH_HK" is mentioned several times instead of "SWAP". Verify that this is correct for this instrument.\ ** Noted that this is correct - RALPH and SWAP share a housekeeping packet. However, the label files have also been updated to refer to SWAP instead of RALPH.\ \ files: 'data/*/*0x586_sci.fit'\ --> The histogram data consists of two linear arrays. In the Primary HDU is stored the number of number of times a sample was accumulated at each index of the histogram. Stored in the Histogram HDU is the sum of the counts for each index. Thus, there should be 0 counts stored in the histogram at each location where there is no samples made. The fits file ('swa_0283651232_0x586_sci.fit'), shows an example where there are accumulated counts in the histogram, but no samples made.\ ** Updated swap.cat\ \ \ file: 'document/swap_cal.pdf'\ --> pg 1, par 1: add comma: "geometric factor, the energy"\ --> pg 9, #6 par 1: typo: "the the"\ ** This file will be updated with the updated Calibrations for the P3 delivery.\ \ 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0/data/20081005_008555/swa_0085550432_0x586_eng.lbl & others\ 74.nh-x-swap-3-plutocruise-v3.0/data/20081005_008555/swa_0085550432_0x586_sci.lbl & others\ 75.nh-p-swap-2-pluto-v2.0/data/20150115_028359/swa_0283599968_0x586_eng.lbl & others\ 76.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v2.0/data/20150115_028359/swa_0283599968_0x586_sci.lbl & others\ 71.nh-j-swap-2-jupiter-v4.0/document/samples/*.lbl\ 72.nh-j-swap-3-jupiter-v4.0/document/samples/*.lbl\ - Can you make this value more descriptive:\ AXIS_NAME = AXIS_1\ ** Deferred to P3. Note that AXIS_NAME is an optional field. We will ask the SWAP team for a more meaningful value, and the ICD does describe these fields too.\ \ 71.nh-j-swap-2-jupiter-v4.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ 72.nh-j-swap-3-jupiter-v4.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ 74.nh-x-swap-3-plutocruise-v3.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ 75.nh-p-swap-2-pluto-v2.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ 76.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v2.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_*_datasumm.lbl\ - Suggestion: each pair has one of\ DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SWAP JUPITER ENCOUNTER SOLAR WIND SUMMARY DATA PLOTS"\ DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SWAP PLUTO CRUISE SOLAR WIND SUMMARY DATA PLOTS"\ DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SWAP PLUTO ENCOUNTER SOLAR WIND SUMMARY DATA PLOTS"\ Perhaps replace them all with\ DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SWAP SOLAR WIND SUMMARY DATA PLOTS"\ Leaving it is fine as well.\ ** Leaving these alone for now.\ \ 71.nh-j-swap-2-jupiter-v4.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_jupiter_datasumm.lbl\ - Same problem with ^PNG_DOCUMENT as 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0\ ** Fixed\ \ 72.nh-j-swap-3-jupiter-v4.0/document/.../\ - Same problem with ^PNG_DOCUMENT as 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0\ ** Fixed\ \ - Same problem with ^ASCII_DOCUMENT as 76.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v2.0\ ** Fixed\ \ 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0/data/.../*.lbl\ - Does this matter? START_TIME's day of year sometimes does not match the\ directory's day of year. This is a grep -r of START_TIME\ 20081005_008555/swa_0085552032_0x586_eng.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:35:14.620\ 20081005_008555/swa_0085552160_0x586_eng.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:37:22.620\ 20081006_008553/swa_0085536000_0x584_eng.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:02:42.620\ 20081006_008553/swa_0085536000_0x585_eng.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T18:08:02.620\ ** No-change. These directory names are OK. They correspond to the STOP_TIME values in products which span more than one day.\ \ \ - Does this matter? Many raw files have no equivalent calibrated files:\ 20081005_008555/swa_0085552032_0x586_sci.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:35:14.620\ 20081005_008555/swa_0085552160_0x586_sci.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:37:22.620\ 20081006_008553/swa_0085536000_0x584_sci.lbl:START_TIME = 2008-10-05T22:02:42.620\ The SWAP Pluto data is similar.\ ** No-change? Checked all 1932 raw products and could not find any without a corresponding calibrated product.\ \ 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0/document/data_summary_plots/swap_plutocruise_datasumm.lbl\ - ^PNG_DOCUMENT points to 1028 files, but that directory has 1134 .png files. The extra files have slightly different names (no minutes in the filename). The listed files:\ swap_001day_200805272359.png ... swap_001day_201408172359.png\ swap_010day_200805192359.png ... swap_010day_201408162359.png\ The unlisted files:\ swap_001day_2008052723.png ... swap_001day_2010111523.png\ swap_010day_2008051923.png ... swap_010day_2010111523.png\ ** Fixed\ \ 74.nh-x-swap-3-plutocruise-v3.0/document/...\ - Same problem with ^PNG_DOCUMENT as 73.nh-x-swap-2-plutocruise-v3.0\ ** Fixed\ \ - Same problem with ^ASCII_DOCUMENT as 76.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v2.0\ ** Fixed\ \ 76.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v2.0/document/sampleswapplots/swapplots.lbl\ - ^ASCII_DOCUMENT = ( "00README.ASC", ... )\ should be\ ^ASCII_DOCUMENT = \{ "00README.ASC", ... \}\ **Fixed\ \ \ \ }