Pre-review liens list for New Horizons Rex data sets. Last updated by SBN:T.Barnes on 2017-05-23 Datasets: NH-X-REX-2-LAUNCH-V2.0 NH-X-REX-3-LAUNCH-V1.0 NH-J-REX-2-JUPITER-V2.0 NH-J-REX-3-JUPITER-V1.0 NH-X-REX-2-PLUTOCRUISE-V2.0 NH-X-REX-3-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 NH-P-REX-2-PLUTO-V1.0 NH-P-REX-3-PLUTO-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all REX datasets) [ERROR] file: 'catalog/' --> For the raw data sets, there is no version history, only a general comment. What is different between V2.0 and V1.0? I expect to find it here as in the data sets provided for other instruments. --> The "Confidence Level Overview" might need to be updated to reflect the disconnect between version numbers of raw vs calib. --> --> Note that calib ds_id does not exist and that calib v1.0 is based on raw v2.0. --> Why is the "Caveat about TARGET_NAME in PDS labels and observational intent" section different in REX than for all the other instruments? Should it be? --> The ABSTRACT_DESC needs to be expanded as has been done for data sets for the other NH instruments. Note needs to be included for versioning as well. [WARN] file: 'document/nh_rex_radiometer_calib.pdf' --> This document may need to be replaced with the calibration document found: 'nh-p-rex-3-pluto-v1.0/document/nh_rex_radiometer_cal_4.2cm_v2.2.1.pdf' [ERROR] file: 'nh-*-rex-2-*-v2.0/document/seq_rex_*.lbl' --> The DATA_SET_ID of for the calibrated data set, states "V2.0" which does not currently exist. [ERROR] file: 'index/index.lbl' --> File breaks down after column 11 for accurately describing the index table. =============================================== Errors unique for: *LAUNCH* [ERROR] file: 'catalog/' --> Found a reference, "TYLERETAL2008", which is not defined in a REFERENCE_KEY_ID within the label. Please add it. =============================================== Errors unique for: *JUPITER* [NONE] =============================================== Errors unique for: *PLUTOCRUISE* [ERROR] file: 'catalog/' --> All TARGET_NAMEs found in the 'data/' directory should be found within this file. Currently there appears to be a mix up with target_name values in the data labels. Please resolve and confirm this list. Also note that "N/A" should not be included in this list and never included when you have other valid targets listed. [ERROR] file: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> There is a known TARGET_NAME issue where these labels are not the same as what is described in the FITS header, PDS index tables, and PDS data set catalog file. Please verify and fix the TARGET_NAME values. [ERROR] file: 'index/*ind*.tab' (not PEPSSI, SDC, SWAP) --> File contains TARGET_NAME values that are not listed in the data label. --> --> Note that PDS-SBN would prefer to use the name found in the index and FITS header over the generic ones currently present in the PDS data label. [ERROR] files: 'index/index.*' --> The 'data/tnf/' files are not indexed. [WARN] files: 'index/slimindx.*' --> The 'data/tnf/' files are not indexed. =============================================== Errors unique for: *-PLUTO-* (Encounter) [ERROR] file: 'catalog/' --> All TARGET_NAMEs found in the 'data/' directory should be found within this file. Currently there appears to be a mix up with target_name values in the data labels. Please resolve and confirm this list. Also note that "N/A" should not be included in this list and never included when you have other valid targets listed. --> --> Note that if 'CYG A' is a valid value for TARGET_NAME, that we will need to add it to the PDSDD. --> For the Calib data set, the ABSTRACT_DESC appears to be for P2 and not P3 (look at the data through dates). [ERROR] file: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> Resolve things like "STAR" or "CALIBRATION" to the actual target name if known and provided. [ERROR] files: 'nh-p-rex-3-pluto-v1.0/document/nh_rex_radiometer_cal_4.2cm_v2.2.1.*' --> The filename is not structured correctly. There should be only one period. Please rename. --> --> Also note that this file may need to replace the existing 'nh_rex_radiometer_calib.pdf' file. [ERROR] file: 'nh-p-rex-2-pluto-v2.0/document/seq_rex_pluto.lbl' --> The DATA_SET_ID of "NH-P-REX-3-PLUTO-V2.0" does not exist. [ERROR] file: 'index/*ind*.tab' (not PEPSSI, SDC, SWAP) --> File contains TARGET_NAME values that are not listed in the data label. --> --> Note that PDS-SBN would prefer to use the name found in the index and FITS header over the generic ones currently present in the PDS data label. [ERROR] files: 'index/index.*' --> The 'data/tnf/' files are not indexed. [WARN] files: 'index/slimindx.*' --> The 'data/tnf/' files are not indexed.