Subject: Re: PDS SBN New Horizons Pluto Encounter (P3) review (fwd) From: Ludmilla Kolokolova Date: 6/15/2017 5:47 PM To: Elizabeth Warner CC: Tilden Barnes Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:40:48 +0000 From: "Chen, Richard L (398G)" To: "" Cc: "Law, Emily S (3980)" Subject: Re: PDS SBN New Horizons Pluto Encounter (P3) review Hi, Ludmilla, here are our comments. The datasets are very good. Thanks, Richard */index/index.lbl - Line 161: BYTES = 28 should be 21. Subsequent START_BYTEs are off. Oddly, RECORD_BYTES and ROW_BYTES are correct as they are. a.nh-p-alice-2-pluto-v3.0/catalog/ b.nh-p-alice-3-pluto-v3.0/catalog/ - This target is referred to here, but EN has no TARGET.CAT for it TARGET_NAME = "HD 93521" Note that no .lbl file in this volume uses that TARGET_NAME. c.nh-p-leisa-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160630_032955/ - Possible bug: this subdir has no equivalent in nh-p-leisa-3-* e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/catalog/ - These targets are referred to here, but EN has no TARGET.CAT for it TARGET_NAME = "HD 205905" TARGET_NAME = "HD 37962" e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20151102_030873/lor_0308731028_0x633_eng.lbl + 289 others - This is a new value, which could be added given a TARGET.CAT. TARGET_NAME = "1994 JR1" However, perhaps this should use this previously added value: TARGET_NAME = "15810 ARAWN (1994 JR1)" e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160713_033068/lor_0330681128_0x633_eng.lbl + 95 others - Like above, TARGET_NAME = "QUAOAR" should be "50000 QUAOAR (2002 LM60)"? e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160713_033069/lor_0330691928_0x633_eng.lbl + 89 others - Like above, TARGET_NAME = "JJ124" should be "2010 JJ124"? e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160713_033070/lor_0330700928_0x633_eng.lbl + 59 others - Like above, TARGET_NAME = "IXION" should be "28978 IXION (2001 KX76)"? e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160713_033072/lor_0330727928_0x633_eng.lbl - Like above, TARGET_NAME = "MS4" should be "ASTEROID 307261 (2002 MS4)"? e.nh-p-lorri-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20160714_033079/lor_0330791828_0x633_eng.lbl - Like above, TARGET_NAME = "CHIRON" should be "2060 CHIRON" or "95P/CHIRON (1977 UB)"? f.nh-p-lorri-3-pluto-v3.0/data/*/*.lbl - same comments about TARGET_NAME as for *-lorri-2-*/data g.nh-p-mvic-2-pluto-v3.0/catalog/ h.nh-p-mvic-3-pluto-v3.0/catalog/ - This target is referred to here, but EN has no TARGET.CAT for it TARGET_NAME = "HD 205905" i.nh-p-pepssi-2-pluto-v3.0/data/20150701_029808/pep_0298014718_0x691_eng.lbl j.nh-p-pepssi-3-pluto-v3.0/data/20150701_029808/pep_0298014718_0x691_sci.lbl - Not necessarily a bug. This file has START_TIME = 2015-06-30T23:59:60.862 STOP_TIME = 2015-07-01T23:59:59.862 which accounts for the leap second. However, the previous day's file has START_TIME = 2015-06-29T23:59:59.861 STOP_TIME = 2015-06-30T23:59:59.861 which leaves a 1.001 second gap between files, and that gap is usually .001 seconds. j.nh-p-pepssi-3-pluto-v3.0/calib/calpars/calpar_columns.fmt - The lines are 80 chars but should be 78. o.nh-x-rex-2-plutocruise-v2.0/data/tnf/*.lbl - none of these are listed in p.nh-x-rex-3-plutocruise-v1.0/data/tnf/*.lbl - none of these are listed in q.nh-p-rex-2-pluto-v2.0/catalog/ r.nh-p-rex-3-pluto-v1.0/catalog/ - This target is referred to here, but EN has no TARGET.CAT for it TARGET_NAME = "CYG A" q.nh-p-rex-2-pluto-v2.0/data/tnf/*.lbl - none of these are listed in r.nh-p-rex-3-pluto-v1.0/data/tnf/*.lbl - none of these are listed in u.nh-p-swap-2-pluto-v3.0/calib/background_009_dac_jup.lbl v.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v3.0/calib/background_009_dac_jup.lbl - Line 89 is 79 characters instead of 78 u.nh-p-swap-2-pluto-v3.0/data/*/*.lbl u.nh-p-swap-2-pluto-v3.0/document/*.lbl v.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v3.0/data/*/*.lbl v.nh-p-swap-3-pluto-v3.0/document/*.lbl - The max length for AXIS_NAME is 30 chars, but this is 31 AXIS_NAME = "NORMALIZED_ENERGY_HISTOGRAM_BIN" When these volumes are released, tell EN to add to the data dictionary: AXIS_NAME: "BYTE POSITION" "DISTRIBUTION_BIN" the shorter replacement for "NORMALIZED_ENERGY_HISTOGRAM_BIN" "ONE_HACK_TIME_SAMPLES" "ONE_SECOND_TIME_SAMPLES" "PACKET_NUMBER" "WORD_POSITION" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE: "SWAP PLUTO ENCOUNTER SOLAR WIND SUMMARY DATA PLOTS" MISSION_PHASE_NAME: "POST-LAUNCH CHECKOUT"