From: "Chen, Richard L (398G)" Subject: Re: 67P shape model review Hi, Ludmilla, I have very few comments for this dataset, i.e. it looks good. Richard data/triplate/../*.lbl, e.g. mspcd_lam/shap2/cg_mspcd_shap2_001m_cart.lbl - The max length of FORMAT is 10 characters, so BYTES = 33 ITEMS = 3 ITEM_BYTES = 11 FORMAT = "3(1X,I10)" is illegal that way. More importantly, FORMAT should describe 1 item, not the aggregate items, as shown in the PDS3 Standards, bottom of p. A-116. document/preview_images/*/*/*.lbl - In PDS3, use () for an ordered list, {} for an unordered list. So ^PNG_DOCUMENT = ("RES_001M.PNG", ... "RES_760K.PNG") should be ^PNG_DOCUMENT = {"RES_001M.PNG", ... "RES_760K.PNG"} Many also have a list for SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID, which should also use {}.