Comet ISON review 1. Comet ISON has 6 collections. Their directory structures for the spectroscopy/ are not consistent. Is that intentional? E.g. hfosc_feb2013/spectroscopy/calibratedpectra/ hfosc_may2013/spectroscopy/may01/calibratedpectra/ 2. In Consider using digit instead of letter in directory names in order to preserve chronological order. 3. Standards 2B.2.2.1 recommends directory name be data_*. (e.g. hfosc_may2013 is not following this recommendation). 4. It is recommended that a collection should have products of similar type (DPH 8.0). The hfosc collections have mix data and documentation. Consider: replacing bundle.xml hfosc_feb2013/ documentation/ imaging/ spectroscopy/ hfosc_jan2013/ ... with something like bundle.xml data_imaging/ hfosc_201301/ hfosc_201302/ ... data_spectroscopy/ hfosc_201301/ hfosc_201302/ ... document/ Correspondingly, the LIDs would have to change from urn:nasa:pds:ison_gbo:hfosc_jan2013:wa220035 urn:nasa:pds:ison_gbo:hfosc_jan2013:cosmic_rays to something like urn:nasa:pds:ison_gbo:data_imaging:wa220035 urn:nasa:pds:ison_gbo:document:cosmic_rays Be aware that this may require changes in the XML files to ensure uniqueness. 5. Recommend to replace /*/overview.* with a single /readme.txt, which would be pointed to by bundle.xml. 6. For all .xml PDS has not yet determined context products and LIDs for comets nor asteroids. The naming convention for them are currently be worked. If LIDs are desirable, the LIDS in the files may end up changing. 7. For all .xml PDS has not yet determined context products and LIDs for stars. The naming convention for them are currently be worked. If LIDs are desirable, the LIDS in the files may end up changing. 8. It is desired to minimize the number of objects in the database. Can we replace all of these urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.fe-ar_lamp urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.fe-ne_lamp urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.hal_lamp urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.he-ar_lamp with something that exists, e.g. one of urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.calibration urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.internal_source urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.test_image If not, context products will have to be created for the desired LID. 9. LIDs and context products need to be created. urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.iao urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.vainu urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.wise urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:fosc urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:hfosc urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:omr_spec urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:hct urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:vbt urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:wise1m 10. In the XML Prolog and Root Tag (the top of a label), must use https instead of http for URLs (not namespaces) of NASA sites due to IT security, e.g. change 2522 but the .tab file actually has 3500 lines. 16. hfosc_nov2013/spectroscopy/nov11/derivedspectra/11nov2013_ison_tab.xml hfosc_nov2013/spectroscopy/nov12/derivedspectra/12nov2013_ison_tab.xml hfosc_nov2013/spectroscopy/nov13/derivedspectra/13nov2013_ison_1tab.xml hfosc_nov2013/spectroscopy/nov13/derivedspectra/13nov2013_ison_2tab.xml - These file names should not have the final _tab or _1tab or _2tab to match the names of the .tab files. Apache Point Observatory Bundle review 17. Standards 2B.2.2.1 recommends directory name be data_*. (e.g. uransatspec/ is not following this recommendation). 18. Recommend to replace /uransatspec/overview.* with a single /readme.txt, which would be pointed to by bundle.xml. 19. For all .xml all labels have these: urn:nasa:pds:facility:observatory.apo urn:nasa:pds:telescope:apo.arc35m urn:nasa:pds:instrument:triplespec.apoarc35m These are incorrect. The first should probably be urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.apache_point Context products for the 2nd and 3rd need to be created. 20. PDS has not yet determined context products and LIDs for stars. The naming convention for them are currently being worked. If LIDs are desirable, the LIDS in the files may end up changing. 21. In the XML Prolog and Root Tag (the top of a label), must use https instead of http for URLs (not namespaces) of NASA sites due to IT security, e.g. change EPOXI_photometry_V4.pdf but the case of the actual file name differs: epoxi_photometry_V4.pdf