Comet ISON XXX 2013 HFOSC Observations Collection Minor Comments/Typos by Matthew Knight --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: due to the similarity of documentation in all datasets, many comments apply to all versions of the same file. Overview.txt -"Observational Campaign" section, paragraph 1: I think "WISE" should be "Wise" (based on usage everywhere else) -"Observational Campaign" paragraph 1: the range of distances is incorrect. The last data in the archive are from Nov 13, when heliocentric distance was 0.68 AU and geocentric distance was 0.94 AU. -Two references should be added (Anupama 2000, Prabhu et al. 1998)? -"Observational Campaign" next to last paragraph, last line: "usings" should be "using" (singular) -[February version] abstract paragraph 1: two instances of "seeing" being ~7 but no units give. Pixels? Arcsec? This is repeated in the imaging PDF. -[September version] abstract needs to state the dates of spectroscopy. -[November version] abstract paragraph 1 line 4: I don't think the word "relevant" needs to be here? This is repeated in the imaging PDF. Imaging PDFs -Add page numbers to all PDFs -[February, November]: p.4 "CCD" paragraph: says data were obtained "January 22, 2013", not the specific month. -[November]: p.2 "Documentation/" says this document is ".doc" not ".pdf" Spectroscopy PDFs -Add page numbers to all PDFs -[May]: p.6, Section 3.1: says solar analog star was observed 2014-05-31 and halogen lamps observed 2013-09-29. Both appear to have been observed on 2013-05-02. -[Sep]: p.2, "Reduction procedure" says halogen lamps were observed on 2013-09-29 and used for all data in 2013. This is inconsistent with other months' documentation. Also says solar analog was observed 2014-05-31. This appears to have been observed 2013-09-29. -[Nov]: p.8, Figures for Nov 13 are overlapped so only one can be seen.