1) The data collections are independent, but the abstracts, except for Jan, are incomplete. Please update to make them stand are on their own. For example, always name the comet C/2012 S1 (ISON), expand acronyms such as HCT, IIA, OMR. 2) There is a lot of variation in quality among documents and labels, even though each data set contains similar data from the same authors. I recommend one of two actions: (1) that the datasets be combined so that there is only one description for each of the spectral and imaging reductions, with specific details for individual observing runs as needed, or (2) that the main documentation be collected into a separate documentation collection. It could help the data provider with addressing the liens, and could help the data user understand the data better if the heterogeneity between documents was reduced. 3) overview.txt - Campaign overview a) what does Keystone mode mean? Does it mean the telescope moved at the proper motion of the comet? Please add this detail.x b) Repeated text regarding Keystone mode: paragraphs 2 and 4. c) Please add references for the solar twin / analogs. I think there are important distinctions between "solar twin", "solar analog", and "solar type". d) Please provide the angular dimensions of the WISE FOSC slit. It is currently stated: "10"-long 2-inch-wide". Should this be 2-arcsec-wide? e) "C18 of WISE Observatory" What does C18 mean? 4) overview.txt - Confidence Level Overview - I recommend the authors who did the internal review summarize their findings related to data quality and uncertainties. 5) hfosc_feb2013/overview.txt : Spell out b/g as background. 6) documentation/*.cl in Jan, Feb, Sep, and Nov collections - Generally software is not appropriate for documentation, but it can be if it is well-commented. The reduction procedure description seems typical for these types of data. Perhaps the software does not need to be archived? Would it be better to describe the code with a narrative form in the documentation? 7) documentation/*spectroscopy.pdf a) "albedo" - Isn't reflectance the correct term? Without an absolutely calibrated spectrum, and without the scattering cross section of the dust or the thermal emission, how is the albedo obtained? Are these the polynomial fits to the continuum? It is unusual to present the fits without the data. This process needs to be clarified and the actual data presented in the figure. b) documentation/*spectroscopy.pdf - Page 2, Table headings - "Dispersio n Å\px" --> "Dispersion (Å/px)" c) documentation/*spectroscopy.pdf - Reduction Procedure - Can "apall" be briefly described? The name may not mean anything to the reader. The way "zerocombine" is introduced in the January document is a good example. How did apall remove the sky background? d) Some figures are missing axis labels. e) The y-axis of the second figure in the February pdf is Counts. If the second figure is relative flux variation, should it not be unitless? f) "ison_continuum_subtracted" description - the continuum subtracted comet spectrum results in "relative normalized flux." But a subtraction operation does not normalize the flux. Can this be further explained? g) The spectra refer to the reduction of solar analog stars from 2014-05-31. There is not may31 directory. Are these files missing or is this date incorrect? 8) documentation/*imaging.pdf - Alignment - What interpolation method was used? Is it sub-pixel alignment? 9) Spectral data a) May 02 normflat does not look good. Shouldn't this have a mean of 1.0 and a more flat shape? Why the constant regions at the edges? b) Please check and revise all Spectral_Characteristics. hfosc_nov2013/spectroscopy/nov13/calibratedspectra/13nov2013_ison_2.xml Array is 991 elements long, and the PDS label says the spectrum ranges from 3900 to 9200 Å with a 5 Å step. However, 3900 + 990 * 5 = 8850, which does not equal 9200. There are similar issues with the other spectra. c) sp:Rectangular_FOV, should be the dimensions of the slit. For example, the 2.5 arcmin x 3.7 arcmin for calibratedspectra/8nov2013_ison_1800s.xml Set all sp:Field_of_view keywords in the PDS labels to the slit dimensions.