May 2018 Review Liens list for IHW-C-NNSN-3-EDR-HALLEY-V2.0: ============================================================ Certification Status: Not Certified. Delta review is sufficient. There may be additional images with timing issues (from non-Japanese observatories?). Nalin will check his email notes and see if he can find the correspondence that identified them. The file states that calibrated and uncalibrated data are in the same folders. It is not immediately clear which images have been calibrated, and how the calibrations were done. Please clarify. What processing has been done to the data? Assumed to have standard processing? Bias, flat, darks? Please clarify. file: 'aareadme.txt' --> The nomenclature for subdirectories under the directory data is buried in data/filelist.lbl file that each subdirectory contains images for a given year and month (identified by the subdirectory name). The user may have to dig to find this information. It is appropriate to have this information in a location such as in a readme file too. file: 'catalog/catinfo.txt' --> Need to add entry for file: 'catalog/' --> Typo: "STIDUES" => "STUDIES" files: 'data/*/*.fit' --> I suggest that the definition for CROTA1 in the image header to be "position angle of sample axis in deg, N->E =90 deg" as the current "position angle of sample axis, N->E" is ambiguous. Also, the units are currently not given. --> Is it correct to say all images, by definition, should have CROTA1=-90 and SENSE=T? If that is the case, then exceptions to this rule are AAT images. E.g., NNSN1640 has CROTA1=96. This could be in conflict with the sentence "Images with axes that are not orthogonal to north and east may have also been revised" found in orientation-time-scale-revs.asc file. As I understand, AAT is the only observatory, which consistently had images not orthogonal to north and east. --> What is really SPEC-EVT key word? At least the ones I looked at are "T". files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> The ^FITS_HEADER and ^IMAGE object are defined as starting in the same place in the FITs file. Please fix. Example: =================== ^FITS_HEADER = ("NNSN3138.FIT",3) ^IMAGE = ("NNSN3138.FIT",3) -----change_to----- ^FITS_HEADER = ("NNSN3138.FIT",1) ^IMAGE = ("NNSN3138.FIT",3) =================== --> Probably not a bug but could be. More than 1 file has the following START_TIME values: =================== 1985-12-08T04:03:00.000 1985-12-12T09:08:33.000 1985-12-12T09:11:26.000 1985-12-12T11:52:43.000 1985-12-12T12:05:41.000 1985-12-12T12:12:53.000 1985-12-12T12:17:12.000 1985-12-12T12:25:50.000 1986-01-04T02:08:48.000 1986-01-05T16:49:11.000 1986-01-07T16:10:19.000 1986-05-06T13:40:33.000 1988-04-19T23:40:05.000 =================== files: 'data/198210/nnsn000[1-9].lbl' --> Last line (END line) missing a carriage return for the end of line characters. But since this is after the END line, it is not a problem. Should really fix this and pad/trim all lines out to 80 (including '/r/n'). directory: 'document/' --> Find the filter description and additional ancillary documentation from the original publications (perhaps these are in another V2.0 dataset and just not included here?) and include in the document/ directory here. [See V1.0, document/common/appendix/near_nuc.apx] files: 'document/*.lbl' --> DATA_SET_ID values needs to be in uppercase. i.e. "ihw-c-nnsn-3-edr-halley-v2.0" => "IHW-C-NNSN-3-EDR-HALLEY-V2.0" file: 'document/docinfo.txt' --> Need to change the "*.TXT" to "*.ASC", except for DOCINFO.TXT file: 'document/orientation-time-scale-revs.asc' --> remove first line "ADD PIXEL SCALE discussion" --> Regarding comet tail direction - In many images, comet tail is not seen (primarily due to the spatial scales involved); however, dust parabola can be seen in some continuum images. Therefore, the latter could also act as a diagnostic "feature"/"tool" to resolve the 180-deg ambiguity in orientation. A dust parabola is spatially distinct to a dust tail. I assume there was no mix-up between "dust tail" and "dust parabola" in the determinations trying resolve the ambiguity (no mention is being made on the dust parabola). A clarification is appropriate. --> References to file extensions - The references mention time-revisions.txt, revision-summary.txt, and known-issues.txt files but the file extensions are in fact .asc (rather than .txt). Please clarify or correct the file names. --> It is not clear how orientations for non-continuum images (gas species) were derived, especially as there were not many stars in them? Were you considering the orientation of continuum images from the same observatory for a given night? Even for the same observatory, the image orientations occasionally change. Please update documentation. --> Please list the 6 images that were not resolvable. file: 'document/known-issues.asc' --> Please list the file names in numerical order (as that would make it easier to follow). --> Can the time of observation discrepancies noted in the known issues file also be noted in the labels of the affected files?