Below are the liens for the following New Horizons Comet data sets: nh-p-pepssi-5-plasma-v1.0 nh-p-swap-5-derived-solarwind-v1.0 ================================================ Needed liens for nh-p-pepssi-5-plasma-v1.0: ================================================ file: '/voldesc.txt' --> VOLUME_FORMAT value is recorded as being "LEVEL2" when the dataset is level 5. file: '/index/index.*' --> Files contain level 4 and level 5 when it should be all level 5. file: '/catalog/' --> Unable to locate Header lines. --> Unable to locate Header line data for "Upper Bound of Energy Channel" and "Units." --> Unable to locate Pluto Angle definitions. --> Unable to locate Sun Angle definitions. --> Unable to locate PSH definition and description of PSH Coordinate Frame. --> Unable to locate description of definitsion of "SC-Sun-Pluto Line". --> Unable to locate dataset of "NH-P-MULTI-6-DOC-SET-V1.0". file: '/document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' --> This document does not describe the files, data, or file formats in this archive. --> The data in this archive is in the same units as the Level 3 data and does not tell how it differs in Level 4/5. file: '/catalog/' --> HDU's are not discussed in the file. This is left over from a FITs file description. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_attitute_eph.csv' --> Record 109810 is empty. --> Data columns are reported to 10-15 decimal places. Unrealistic for most columns. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_attitude_eph.lbl' --> Column "Epoch" has DESCRIPTION = "Timing" which is incomplete. --> Column PSH_X has FORMAT = "F21.18" but values of FORMAT = "F22.19" can be found in data file. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5sec.lbl' --> Column "Epoch" has DESCRIPTION = "Timing" which is incomplete. --> The label DESCRIPTION (file) refers to 5 minute averages rather than 5 second averages. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5min.lbl' --> Column "Epoch" has DESCRIPTION = "Timing" which is incomplete. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_triples_3h.lbl' --> Column "Epoch" has DESCRIPTION = "Timing" which is incomplete. file: '/data/*.lbl' --> Keywords SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT are missing. ================================================ Desired liens for nh-p-pepssi-5-plasma-v1.0: ================================================ file: '/catalog/' --> List columns in order that they appear in the data file. --> "lines 145-146": replace ", and more details about how PEPSSI data is" with ". Details about how PEPSSI data are". file: '/aareadme.txt' --> "line 31 and 43": inconsistent capitalization. file: '/document/docinfo.txt' --> Remove FOV.png or create a .png for PEPSSI FOV. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_attitude_eph.*' --> Use a one line header of column names for easier use. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_attitude_eph.lbl' --> Change DESCRIPTION = "PSH_x" to DESCRIPTION = "PSH_x in units of Rp where Rp = XXX.X km". --> Column HCl_R has DESCRIPTION = "HCl R(distance to the Sun)", suggest change to include definition of AU used in conversion from km as above. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5sec.*' --> Use a one line header of column names for easier use. --> L09H have quantization factor of about 610keV while L11H have double that value. This should be explained or mentioned somewhere. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5sec.csv' --> First 2880 and last 321 records of data file are null while the remainder of the records are zero filled. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5sec.lbl' --> The label DESCRIPTION (file) does not explain the difference in meaning of null values vs. zero values in data columns. --> The column description for the uncertainty columns say that the value represents the "statistical uncertainty" without explaining it further. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5min.*' --> Use a one line header of column names for easier use. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_doubles_5min.lbl' --> The column description for the uncertainty columns say that the value represents the "statistical uncertainty" without explaining it further. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_triples_3h.*' --> Use a one line header of column names for easier use. file: '/data/pep_encounter_l4_triples_3h.lbl' --> The column description for the uncertainty columns say that the value represents the "statistical uncertainty" without explaining it further. file: '/data/*.lbl' --> Keyword MISSION_PHASE_NAME is missing. ================================================ Needed liens for nh-p-swap-derived-solarwind-v1.0: ================================================ file: '/' --> File never discusses other data within the volumne. --> Data files give Plutocentric positions and are not mentioned. file: '/catalog/' --> Directory "swap" and file "swap_cal.*" do not exist in /document directory. file: '/data/nh_plutocentric_sw_2015-07-14.csv' --> Radial distance is not given. file: '/data/nh_plutocentric_sw_2015-07-14.lbl' --> Description of the HGI is not included in the DESCRIPTION field. file: '/data/nh_plutocentric_sw_2015-07-14.csv' --> Distance units are not in AU as stated in the Label file. ================================================ Desired liens for nh-p-swap-derived-solarwind-v1.0: ================================================ file: '/aareadme.txt' --> Extra word "speed" line 9 and line 35. --> More than a "single table". --> Spacecraft speed is never given, only position. file: '/index/indxinfo.txt' --> Mentions it being "single" when there are more than one. file: '/document/error_notes.txt' --> Grammatical changes suggested. file: '/catalog/' --> Grammatical suggestions desired. --> Cannot find Figure 1. --> Provide either reference or SPICE frame names/ids for "Pluto J2000, Pluto IAU". --> Lines 110-146: Add references for the definitions in the Frames section. --> Add DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION objects for the references and include them in the file. --> Lines 139-146: Text describes 2 frames (Pluto J2000 and Pluto IAU) under a single frame heading. file: '/data/*.lbl' --> "dynamic" is an extra word in the description of FIELD. file: '/data/nh_plutocentric_sw_2015-04-17.lbl' --> Lines 33-37: No description of heliocentric data contained in fields 21-25. --> If possible, present everything in a single data file with all the coordinate systems.