May 2018 Pre-review Liens list ============================== NH-P-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V1.0 file: 'data/nh_heliocentric_sw_2015-07-14.lbl' --> FILE_RECORDS should be changed from 125 to 124. --> ROWS in the SPREADSHEET object should be changed from 124 to 123. --> SPREADSHEET ROW_BYTES should be changed from 264 to 266, since 266 is the max length possible. --> FIELD 7 FORMAT is wrong. BYTES of 8 can not span "E10.3". file: 'data/nh_plutocentric_sw_2015-07-14.lbl' --> FILE_RECORDS should be changed from 125 to 124. --> ROWS in the SPREADSHEET object should be changed from 124 to 123. --> ROW_BYTES should be changed from 296 to 299, since 299 is the max length possible.