Review of NH-P/PSA-LORRI/ALICE/REX-5-ATMOS-V1.0 for PDS SBN Paul Withers 2018.05.14 This is the most thorough set of PDS documentation I have ever seen. Comments are generally minor. My compliments to the NH team. The most significant issues of those listed below are: - I/F uncertainties not given (haze) - thermscan uncertainties not given - Didn't look at binary FITS in aliceocc. - Only sampled some of the many products in haze. - Charon correction to haze profiles is confusing / aareadme.txt 1. Contact information omits telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses. OK catalog/ 2. "Required reading" includes "SOC Instrument Interface Control Document (ICD)" - where is this document? 3. "See Stern et al. (2008) for details." needs a PDS reference like (eg) [STERN2008] (occurs in multiple places) 4. "HVPS" - define 5. Reference list at end is not in alphabetical order. (it appears to be in order of occurrence) catinfo.txt 6. "- High-level catalog object for the Alice " weird line break 7. "the Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera instrument" - Is this carryover from another dataset? Does not seem to apply here. 8. "1-second (MET) resolution" - define MET 9. "The line-of-sight abundance Ns of species s as a function of tangent radius r', where n_s is the local number density of species s, is defined by: N_s=\int_{-inf}^{+inf}n_s(x)dx " Inconsistent Ns and N_s Also, in the equation, N_s should be N_s(r'), otherwise r' does not appear in equation at all. 10. "SPICE kernels supplied by the New Horizons" - Are the SPICE kernels listed here easy for a user to find? State their location if possible. 11. " - Azimuthally averaged profiles Temporal variation search Latitude - variation search Phase angle variation " Missing link break? 4 items or 2 items? 12. Contact information again omits useful information 13. Note TBD for peer review date 14. "[CHENGETAL2008], and the New" - double space 15. "outermost planet Pluto" - Shall we fight with Alan Stern about this classification? Probably not. 16. APID - define 17. ApID, APID inconsistency 18. MET - Define 19. "sequence P_ LORRI_L1" - typo, delete space after underscore 20. Product ID: PHASE_DAY_P_LORRI_L1 Product ID: PHASE_DAY_PELR_C_LORRI The description of these two products is confusing. After hopping back and forth to the individual labels, I'm still not sure what is subtracted from what. "pixel number x in the Charon profile" is meaningless - it is not clear which data product is meant by "the Charon profile" and I bet that data product does not actually contain a column called "pixel number". OK OK 21. "predicable" - typo 22. "redundanct" - typo 23. "FREQUENCY RESOLUTION: 3E-13 (delta-f/f)" - Resolution or stability? 24. "Inteface" - typo 25. "in the Science Operation Center/Instrument Inteface Control Document - SOC_INST_ICD - provided with this data set." - where is it? 26. "the the sky" - typo 27. "Sun in it's aperture." - apostrophe typo 28. "apropo" - egregious use of flowery language, even if corrected to apropos data/ aliceocc/ I have never used FITS data and I did not learn how to do so just to look at these two files. So I've inspected the labels, but not the fits files. Viva ASCII! 29. No obvious errors in the label files, but that's of minimal significance without corresponding inspection of the data files atmoscomp/ pocc-abund-pds.csv pocc-abund-pds.lbl 30. First line is r(km),n2,n2_err,... Associated field names are "r" (not "r(km)"), "n2", "n2_err" Fix inconsistency in r versus r(km). 31. UNIT = "cm^-2" DESCRIPTION = " Error in line-of-sight abundance of N2 (fractional error) If fractional error, then units are dimensionless. Actual values suggest dimensionless fractional error. Same for other species. 32. Quality flag for N2 Quality flag is not discussed in or the label file. Same for other species. pocc-dens-pds.csv pocc-dens-pds.lbl 33. First line is r(km),n2,n2_err,... Associated field names are "r" (not "r(km)"), "n2", "n2_err" Fix inconsistency in r/r(km). 34. UNIT = "cm^-3" DESCRIPTION = " Error in density of N2 (fractional error) If fractional error, then units are dimensionless. Actual values suggest dimensionless fractional error. Same for other species. 35. Quality flag for N2 Quality flag is not discussed in or the label file. Same for other species. haze/ Products in this directory were sampled by this reviewer, not all inspected completely azimuthal_average_profile.lbl 36. This level of precision for a radial distance seems excessive (units are km). About 10 nanometer, if I've counted the decimal places correctly. No change necessary. 1204.47717269040 37. Uncertainties not given for I/F 38. Uncertainties not given for scale height latvar_n_p_multi_dep_long_1.lbl 39. Uncertainties not given for any quantity phase_day_pelr_c_lorri.lbl I am confused. See comments on relevant section in 40. TEMPVAR_ ... Many files here, I looked at a few, no problems noted except for the continuing omission of uncertainties LATVAR_ ... same, all these are basically 3-column tables with distance, I/F, detrended I/F rexatmos/ All OK thermscan/ thermscanrbts.lbl 41. NAME = "EFFECTIVE AREA TABLE" Effective area? Is this correct or a carryover from another file? 42. NAME = "TIME" Values are given in seconds after unstated start time, .lbl file lacks start and stop times 43. UNIT = "S" What is PDS convention, S, SEC, SECONDS...? 44. No uncertainties given. document/ docinfo.txt OK nh_rex_radiometer_calib_v4p7.lbl OK nh_rex_radiometer_calib_v4p7.pdf OK rexthermscank.lbl OK rexthermscank.pdf OK index/ checksum.lbl OK OK index.lbl 45. DESCRIPTION = "This parameter identifies the instrument." Duplicated for INSTRUMENT_ID and INSTRUMENT_NAME, which is technically correct. But it would be helpful if they differed slightly. OK indxinfo.txt OK