Liens for RPCICA instrument from the July 2017 Rosetta Peer Review ================================================================== Reviewed Data Sets: RO-A-RPCICA-2-AST2-RAW-V1.0 RO-A-RPCICA-3-AST2-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC1-RAW-V2.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC2-RAW-V2.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC3-RAW-V2.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-ESC4-RAW-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-EXT1-RAW-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-EXT2-RAW-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-EXT3-RAW-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-2-PRL-RAW-V2.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-ESC1-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-ESC2-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-ESC3-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-ESC4-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-EXT1-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-EXT2-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-EXT3-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-3-PRL-CALIB-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-CORR-V1.0 RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-PHYS-MASS-V1.0 RO-E-RPCICA-2-EAR1-RAW-V2.0 RO-E-RPCICA-2-EAR2-RAW-V2.0 RO-E-RPCICA-2-EAR3-RAW-V1.0 RO-E-RPCICA-3-EAR1-CALIB-V1.0 RO-E-RPCICA-3-EAR2-CALIB-V1.0 RO-E-RPCICA-3-EAR3-CALIB-V1.0 RO-M-RPCICA-2-MARS-RAW-V2.0 RO-M-RPCICA-3-MARS-CALIB-V1.0 RO-SS-RPCICA-2-CR2-RAW-V2.0 RO-SS-RPCICA-2-CR4B-RAW-V2.0 RO-SS-RPCICA-3-CR2-CALIB-V1.0 RO-SS-RPCICA-3-CR4-CALIB-V1.0 RO-X-RPCICA-2-CVP-RAW-V2.0 RO-X-RPCICA-3-CVP2-CALIB-V1.0 Review Certification: CERTIFIED, with minor liens. General Liens for all RPCICA data sets ====================================== DATA_SET_ID disconnect: --> CVP vs CVP2: In the past, L2 CVP has always been delivered and released to the public as RO-X-RPCICA-2-CVP-RAW-VX.X. We should continue that. Using CVP2 now seems out of place. To be consistent should also do this for L3 data sets. In the DATA_SET_ID please use "CVP" not "CVP2". --> CR4B vs CR4: In 2017, L2 CR4B V2.0 was released to the public as RO-SS-RPCICA-2-CR4B-RAW-V2.0. V1.0 was just "CR4" as opposed to "CR4B". Which should be used? If changing from "CR4B" to "CR4", please document this in the DATA_SET_DESC for RO-SS-RPCICA-2-CR4-RAW-V2.0 along with the statement it is replacing the prior released delivery from 2017. Whatever you do, please be consistent with L2/3/4. --> "RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-PHYS_MASS-V1.0" is not a valid DATA_SET_ID. Underscores are not allowed. Only alpha-numeric and the dash, and a period for the version. --> Don't forget to update the DATA_SET_ID where ever it might be found, labels, documents, citations, etc. VOLUME_ID problem: --> Some VOLUME_ID values need to be corrected to the following. The rest are fine. This affected 'VOLDESC.CAT' and 'INDEX/*.LBL' and any other places the keyword may be found. =================== DS_ID: FROM => TO RO-A-RPCICA-2-AST2-RAW-V1.0: ROICA_0999 => ROICA_1008 RO-A-RPCICA-3-AST2-CALIB-V1.0: ROICA_1999 => ROICA_2008 RO-E-RPCICA-2-EAR3-RAW-V1.0: ROICA_0999 => ROICA_1007 RO-E-RPCICA-3-EAR3-CALIB-V1.0: ROICA_1999 => ROICA_2007 RO-X-RPCICA-2-CVP2-RAW-V2.0: ROICA_0999 => ROICA_1001 RO-X-RPCICA-3-CVP2-CALIB-V1.0: ROICA_1999 => ROICA_2001 =================== directory: 'BROWSE/' --> Strongly recommend adding browse plots as was done with the raw data sets. directory: 'CALIB/' --> Note that L3/4 data sets contain a 'CALIBRATION.TXT' file that the L2 data sets do not contain. Otherwise the contents are pretty much the same. Should the L2 data sets contain this document? file: 'CALIB/CALINFO.TXT' --> Suggestion: A table of when the software version updates occur would be helpful. files: 'CALIB/*/*.LBL' --> Is the TARGET_NAME and TARGET_TYPE keywords really relevant here? The tables themselves are the same no matter what the target is. Suggest removing these keywords, unless the tables actually should be different, in which case the tables should be updated. files: 'CALIB/ELEVATION/*.LBL' --> TABLE NAME: typo "{WS}" should be changed to the actual version number. files: 'CALIB/ENERGY/*.LBL' --> TABLE NAME: typo "{WS}" should be changed to the actual version number. L2 data sets have a value. files: 'CALIB/GFACTOR/*.LBL' --> COLUMNS: change value from '5' to '9' files: 'CALIB/MASS_LOOKUP/*.LBL' --> TABLE NAME: typo "{WS}" should be changed to the actual version number. L2 data sets have a value. --> TABLE NAME and file name do not always match. The TABLE NAME always says "TABLE3" but the file name might say table1 or table2. files: 'CALIB/MASS_MASK/*.LBL' --> TABLE NAME: typo "{WS}" should be changed to the actual version number. L2 data sets have a value. file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: ESC2 L2 typo: "Comet escort 1" => "Comet escort 2" --> ABSTRACT_DESC: ESC4 to EXT3 L2 typo: Remove the sentences mentioning going to Version 2. These data sets are the first version. This appears to be text copied from the earlier comet phases, where there is a new version. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: L2 PRL/EAR1/EAR2/MARS/CR2/CR4B/CVP needs to add the sentences about going to version 2. They are currently missing. --> DATA_SET_DESC: Since the version number has not changed, mention should prominently be made here that the release in August 2017 has been replaced with this archive copy as of XXX, once the data is ready for release. Otherwise please version the data sets. --> DATA_SET_DESC: There is no mention of the mission phase here. The ABSTRACT_DESC is more descriptive about the phase and results (for example AST2 stated ICA suffered an overheating event and so obtained no valuable data). Such details should be mentioned here. --> --> Side note: The AST2 comment should also be mentioned in the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE. Very appropriate to go there. Any similar comments on the confidence of the data should go in the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE. --> CITATION_DESC: Author should be changed from "Hans N." to "Nilsson, H.", i.e. should be surname/family-name then first initial of given name. --> CITATION_DESC: The publication year should be changed from 2015 to 2018. file: 'CATALOG/INST.CAT' --> typo: line 25 Consortiumn -> Consortium file: 'CATALOG/INSTHOST.CAT' --> typo: line 523 coul -> could --> typos: lines 1349-1350 "battery discharge alarm shall heve remained enabled all the time" to "battery discharge alarm remained enabled all the time." --> typo: line 1636 noth -> north file: 'CATALOG/MISSION.CAT' --> typos: lines 85,87,533,534,540 Manouver -> Maneuver file: 'DOCUMENT/ICA_CMD_BRIEF.PDF' --> Some blue text describing commands "not yet implemented" could be updated or removed. directory: 'DOCUMENT/ICA_EAICD/*' --> PNG files left over from ASCII version of document that is no longer present. These files could be deleted and their description removed from the label. file: 'DOCUMENT/ICA_USER_GUIDE.PDF' --> Remember to replace with the most current copy of this document. Not all data sets have the best copy. --> typo: page 5, near bottom, "water croup and CO2 group" -> "water group and CO2 group" --> Should finalize discussion of L4 corr data files. --> The caption for Figure 6 should be improved to explain the Vx, Vy, Vz frame used here. All of the other detector frame drawings (EACID, ICA_CAL) use an X,Y,Z frame that shows sectors 0 and 1 on the left and sectors 4 and 5 on the bottom. In the "V" frame, these sectors are on the right and top --> Pg 27,28,29,30: typo "PSA" in "Content of L2 PSA data" (or similar Headings) seems incorrect. --> Pg 27 #2,8,9: Should state the referenced section is in the EAICD --> Pg 27 #7: "ICA_POST_ACC_TABLE_V02.LBL" is not found in the CALIB directory. --> Pg 28-29: There are only 9 columns in L2 geometry data, not 23. --> Pg 29: Column 11 is the altitude in the data. --> Pg 31: Columns #30-32 appear to be inconsistent with the data. file: 'DOCUMENT/ICA_EAICD/CATINFO.TXT' --> This filename is reserved. Please use another. Remember to update this file to reflect the new name. file: 'DOCUMENT/ICA_EAICD/ICA_EAICD.PDF' --> Remember to replace with the most current copy of this document. Not all data sets have the best copy. file: 'DOCUMENT/ICATABLES.PDF' --> typos: --> --> many places significan -> significant or significance --> --> page 1, line 2 figur -> figure --> --> page 3, near middle "The fini EAC_ref resolution" -> "The final EAC_ref resolution" --> --> page 3, near bottom, "DeltaR is define by diagram below" -> "DeltaR is defined by the diagram below" --> --> page 4, near top, "angles are grouped in clasters 2,4,and 8" -> "angles are grouped in clusters 2,4,and 8." --> --> page 4, near middle, 3 occurrences of "fil" -> "file" file: 'DOCUMENT/SOFTWARE/SOFTINFO.TXT' --> Please add a statement providing the version of MATLAB used to produce the code, another indicating that the software is unsupported, and lastly, add a brief statement of how to use the programs provided (issue remains uncorrected from previous review). This file also fails to mention IMPORT_L3.* and READICA3.*. --> Note that the READICA*.M and PLOT_ICA.M do not work. (Note that PDS does not require the code to work, since it is considered documentation, but it would be good to update or document the restrictions if possible). --> --> MATLAB (the 2016b version on Mac) cannot recognize the path with "../../" --> --> Problems with upper or lower case of file names --> Not able to read and plot data using the provided MATLAB codes, probably due to different MATLAB versions? file: 'GEOMETRY/GEOINFO.TXT' --> typo: line 13 "space craft" -> "spacecraft" --> Add statement that says that these figures are extracted from the EACID or ICA_CAL document. Note: All PDF files were verified as compliant for archiving with the PDS. Liens unique to Level 2 RPCICA data sets ======================================== file: 'CALIB/*/*INFO.TXT' --> PRODUCT_ID: value should be changed to "*INFO.TXT" to match L3/4. Current value appears to be a typo. file: 'CATALOG/MISSION.CAT' --> This file needs to be updated to the current version. file: 'CATALOG/REFERENCE.CAT' --> This file needs to be updated to the current version. files: 'DATA/EDITED/*/*/*/*GEOM.LBL --> Column 1: FORMAT should be changed from "A24" to "A23". files: 'DATA/EDITED/*/*/*/*HK.LBL --> Column 40,42: VALID_MAXIMUM cannot be 255 for a 1 byte column. That would require 3 byte column. files: 'DATA/EDITED/*/*/*/*L2.LBL --> COLUMN 3 BYTES: The data appears to be 8 bytes (excluding double quote). START_BYTE starts just after the opening double quote, but the bytes makes it end after the closing quotes. Change BYTES from 9 to 8. --> COLUMN 3: Strongly suggest adding a FORMAT keyword. For instance FORMAT = "A8" (per previous error). file: 'DOCUMENT/SOFTWARE/IMPORT_L2.M' --> lines 10/11: The examples here should be updated to reflect the new file name scheme. See version of this file in the L3/4 data sets as an example of the new text. file: 'INDEX/BROWSE_INDEX.LBL' --> COLUMNS: change value from '6' to '5' file: 'INDEX/INDEX.LBL' --> COLUMNS: change value from '4' to '3' Liens unique to Level 3 RPCICA data sets ======================================== files: 'DATA/CALIBRATED/*/*/*/*.LBL --> ^ARCHIVE_CONTENT_DESC: "EAICD.PDF" should be "ICA_EAICD.PDF" --> ^RPC_SCIENCE_USAGE_DESC = "RPC_USER_GUIDE.PDF" file cannot be found. --> COLUMN 3 BYTES: The data appears to be 8 bytes (excluding double quote). START_BYTE starts just after the opening double quote, but the bytes makes it end after the closing quotes. Change BYTES from 9 to 8. --> COLUMN 3: Strongly suggest adding a FORMAT keyword. For instance FORMAT = "A8" (per previous error). --> COLUMN 11 UNIT: value "" should not include the gt/lt signs. Also missing value before first '/'. --> For the last column, near the bottom of the file shows the following. But in the data file, the first two items have value 9.999E+99, but the next ninety-four have 0.000E+00. Are the correct? EX: RO-C-RPCICA-3-EXT3-CALIB-V1.0/DATA/CALIBRATED/2016/SEP/D14/RPCICA160914T11_000_L3.LBL =================== NAME = FLUX START_BYTE = 57 ITEMS = 96 MISSING_CONSTANT = 9.999E99 =================== Liens unique to RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-CORR-V1.0 ============================================ Suggestion: For the -4- data files, the addition of a collection of files that summed the data over the various azimuth, elevation, and mass bins (energy spectra) would be useful to the end users. file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: L4 data sets should mention that these are RESAMPLED XXXX DATA, not simply "CALIBRATED DATA". Please be descriptive here for the user to differentiate between different L4 types of data sets, since at this time there are at least two. Also please mention the mission phase or time frame. --> CITATION_DESC: The NAME part is for the L3 data set, not this one. Please correct. --> DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC: This describes the L3 data set, not this one. Please correct. files: 'DATA/CORR/*/*/*/*CORR.LBL' --> COLUMN 3 BYTES: The data appears to be 8 bytes (excluding double quote). START_BYTE starts just after the opening double quote, but the bytes makes it end after the closing quotes. Change BYTES from 9 to 8. --> COLUMN 3: Strongly suggest adding a FORMAT keyword. For instance FORMAT = "A8" (per previous error). --> COLUMN 11 UNIT: value "" should not include the gt/lt signs. Also missing value before first '/'. files: 'DATA/CORR/*/*/*/*ZERO.LBL' --> COLUMNS: Value should be changed from 11 to 5. --> CITATION_DESC: The NAME part is for the L3 data set, not this one. --> DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC: This describes the L3 data set, not this one. Liens unique to RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-PHYS_MASS-V1.0 ================================================= DATA_SET_ID: "RO-C-RPCICA-4-EXT1-PHYS_MASS-V1.0" is not a valid DATA_SET_ID. Underscores are not allowed. Only alpha-numeric and the dash, and a period for the version. Suggestion: For the -4- data files, the addition of a collection of files that summed the data over the various azimuth, elevation, and mass bins (energy spectra) would be useful to the end users. file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: L4 data sets should mention that these are RESAMPLED XXXX DATA, not simply "CALIBRATED DATA". Please be descriptive here for the user to differentiate between different L4 types of data sets, since at this time there are at least two. Also please mention the mission phase or time frame. --> The text in this file (TERSE, ABSTRACT, DESC) are inconsistent. The ABS says "corrected and CALIBRATED DATA" which sounds appropriate for the "corr" data. The TERSE says "CALIBRATED DATA" which applies to the -3- dataset, and the main description also sounds appropriate for the -3- dataset. All of these descriptions should be modified to briefly describe this data set. files: 'DATA/PHYS_MASS/*/*/*/*.LBL' --> COLUMNS: Value should be changed from 11 to 9. --> COLUMN 3 BYTES: The data appears to be 8 bytes (excluding double quote). START_BYTE starts just after the opening double quote, but the bytes makes it end after the closing quotes. Change BYTES from 9 to 8. --> COLUMN 3: Strongly suggest adding a FORMAT keyword. For instance FORMAT = "A8" (per previous error). --> COLUMN 9 UNIT: value "" should not include the gt/lt signs. Also missing value before first '/'.