Liens for RPCIES instrument from the July 2017 Rosetta Peer Review ================================================================== Reviewed Data Sets: RO-C-RPCIES-4-ESC1-V1.0 samples Review Certification: N/A, since this is not a data set. General Liens for all RPCIES data samples ========================================= Note that this is not a full data set, but only two documents and a few example data files and data labels. Comments are therefore limited to these files and does not mention all of missing required files. See the following presentations for full details: --> --> I have looked for published plots of plasma moments from the escort phase but have been unsuccessful in finding anything that would help me to understand the observed discrepancies between the ion and electron moments. files: 'DATA/*/*.LBL' --> The QUALITY FLAGS column DESCRIPTION states "TBD". --> INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID/DESC are not expected to be "N/A" --> DATA_QUALITY_DESC not helpful in deciphering the DATA_QUALITY_ID. files: 'DATA/*/*.TAB' --> Quality flag values are all 0 in the data column. --> How to identify different ion species (Q/m) from IES data? --> ne >> ni --> 2015-002 (Jan 2): all durations are 0 file: 'DOCUMENT/*.PDF' --> See for detailed comments. --> There is no description at all for the L4 ion/electron moment data. May need a documentation to describe how to calculate moments (L3 to L4).