line 25 Consortiumn -> Consortium line 523 coul -> could lines 1349-1350 "battery discharge alarm shall heve remained enabled all the time." "battery discharge alarm remained enabled all the time." line 1636 noth -> north lines 85,87,533,534,540 Manouver -> Maneuver ICATABLES.pdf many places significan -> significant or significance page 1, line 2 figur -> figure page 3, near middle "The fini EAC_ref resolution" -> "The final EAC_ref resolution" page 3, near bottom, "DeltaR is define by diagram below" -> "DeltaR is defined by the diagram below" page 4, near top, "angles are grouped in clasters 2,4,and 8" -> "angles are grouped in clusters 2,4,and 8." page 4, near middle, 3 occurrences of "fil" -> "file" ICA_USER_GUIDE page 5, near bottom, "water croup and CO2 group" -> "water group and CO2 group" GEOMINFO.TXT line 13 "space craft" -> "spacecraft"