Liens for the GIO-C-NMS-4-86P-V1.0 data set from the October 2018 peer review. =============================================== Datasets Validated: GIO-C-NMS-4-86P-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GIO-C-NMS-4-86P-V1.0 [ERROR] TARGET_NAME, DATA_SET_NAME, DATA_SET_ID, etc --> The DATA_SET_ID suggests that this data set is for 86P (Wild 3), but the data set target, name, description, etc is for 1P (Halley). Why? --> --> Correct the DATA_SET_ID and documentation. This is for Halley, not Wild 3. --> The DATA_SET_ID and PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID values suggest that this is a resampled data set, but the citation (says RDR, i.e. calibrated), abstract (says "derived, calibrated"), and data_set_desc suggest this might not be the case. Please confirm. file: 'AAREADME.TXT' --> The aareadme.txt reference to "this CD-ROM" should be replaced with this dataset. --> TARGET_NAME value "HALLEY" is preferred to be "1P/HALLEY 1 (1682 Q1)" by SBN. But either will do. --> The [CATALOG] and [INDEX] sections are incomplete. files: 'BROWSE/*/*/*.LBL' --> Please include the required PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME keyword in the label. --> DOCUMENT_NAME should really be unique. file: 'CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT' --> typo: 'INSTRUMENT_HOST.CAT' => 'INSTHOST.CAT' --> typo: 'SOTWARE.CAT' => 'SOFTWARE.CAT' --> The text for the SOFTWARE.CAT is currently wrong. There is no software. file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> LABEL_REVISION_NOTE: Best to also include a date. --> The START/STOP_TIME values are outside what the data labels say. Normally this isn't a problem, but given their precision, I question if the values are correct or if there is data missing from the data set. Values found from data labels: --> --> earliest START_TIME = 1986-03-13T23:22:49.430 --> --> latest STOP_TIME = 1986-03-14T00:02:49.70 --> CITATION_DESC: It may be good to include the primary target in the name. --> CITATION_DESC: Is the publication year of 2007 correct? Should it be 2018? --> TARGET_NAME value "HALLEY" is preferred to be "1P/HALLEY 1 (1682 Q1)" by SBN. But either will do. --> The DATA_SET_NAME text "86P/Halley" suggests that 86P is comet Halley, which is NOT correct. 86P is Wild 3. --> There are papers mentioned in the DATA_SET_DESC, but not REFERENCE_KEY_ID associated with them in the file. Please add. --> DATA_SET_TARGET contains the element TARGET_TYPE which is neither required nor optional. Please remove. file: 'CATALOG/INSTHOST.CAT' --> There is an existing version of this file at the PDS (found at Please use it. If it needs to be updated, please let us know. file: 'CATALOG/INSTRUMENT.CAT' --> All REFERENCE_KEY_ID values must be in uppercase. EX: "Berthelier1986" to "BERTHELIER1986". --> The REFERENCE_KEY_ID values that are found in the INSTRUMENT_DESC should be surrounded by square brackets and match the REFERENCE_KEY_ID value. For instance: "Reber1997" should be "[REBER1997]". files: 'CATALOG/MISSION.CAT' --> TARGET_NAME value "HALLEY" is preferred to be "1P/HALLEY 1 (1682 Q1)" by SBN. But either will do. file: 'CATALOG/REFERENCE.CAT' --> All REFERENCE_KEY_ID values must be in uppercase. EX: "Berthelier1986" to "BERTHELIER1986". --> All REFERENCE_DESC values should be formatted in the format described as follows from the PDS Data Dictionary. You may also add a DOI at the end if applicable. =================== "Elements of a complete bibliographic citation must include, wherever applicable, author(s) or editor(s), title, journal name, volume number, page range and publication date (for journal article citations), or page range, publisher, place of publication, and publication date (for book citations)." =================== --> --> Please also remember to put spaces after each comma. --> In the REFERENCE_DESC, the 'year' part should not be followed by a letter, like "1989a" or "1994b" as found in Eberhardtetal1987a, Eberhardtetal1987b, Krankowskyetal1986a, Krankowskyetal1986b, and Meieretal1993. --> The following references found in XXX.CAT files was not found in this file. Please add them or correct their values in the source catalog files. =================== INSTHOST.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ESA-SP1077" is not found in a(n) "". Per PDSDD REFERENCE_DESC = "The Giotto Mission, R. Reinhard and B. Battrick, ESA SP-1077, ESA Pub Div, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 1986." INSTRUMENT.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = Krankowskyetal1981" is not found in a(n) "". INSTRUMENT.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = Meier1993" is not found in a(n) "". INSTRUMENT.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = Reber1993" is not found in a(n) "". INSTRUMENT.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = Reber1997" is not found in a(n) "". MISSION.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ESA-SP1077" is not found in a(n) "". Per PDSDD REFERENCE_DESC = "The Giotto Mission, R. Reinhard and B. Battrick, ESA SP-1077, ESA Pub Div, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 1986." MISSION.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = REINHARD1988" is not found in a(n) "". Per PDSDD REFERENCE_DESC = "Reinhard, R., 'The Giotto Mission Halley's Comet', in Exploration of Halley's Comet, edited by M. Grewing, F. Praderie, and R. Reinhard, Springer-Verlag, (Berlin), p950, 1988." MISSION.CAT: "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = NATURE321" is not found in a(n) "". Per PDSDD REFERENCE_DESC = "Encounters with Comet Halley, The first results', Nature, Volume 321, No. 6067, 15 May 1986." =================== -> EN: All values of REFERENCE_KEY_ID should be all caps. ** Major, please fix this file and any files (like that refer to them. ETAL is also missing from some. Please add. -> REFERENCE_DESC is formed incorrectly. Refer to the PDS3 standards. Example: REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "Berthelier1986" REFERENCE_DESC = " Angular and energy distribution of low energy cometary ions measured in the outer coma of Comet Halley, Berthelier, J J; Illiano, J M; Hodges, R R; Krankowsky, D Eberhardt,P; Laemmerzahl, P; Hoffman, J H; Herrewerth, I; Woweries, J; Dolder,U, ESA Proceedings of the 20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet ** Major, suggest to change to: REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BERTHELIERETAL1986" REFERENCE_DESC = "Berthelier, J.J., J.M. Illiano, R.R. Hodges, D. Krankowsky, P. Eberhardt, P. Laemmerzahl, J.H. Hoffman, I. Herrewerth, J. Woweries, and U. Dolder, Angular and energy distribution of low energy cometary ions measured in the outer coma of Comet Halley, ESA Proceedings of the 20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, Volume 1: Plasma and Gas, pp. 175-178, 1986 ** This issue applies to the entire file, please fix them all. files: 'DATA/*/*/*.TAB' --> TARGET_NAME value "HALLEY" is preferred to be "1P/HALLEY 1 (1682 Q1)" by SBN. But either will do. --> PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID value should be surrounded by double quotes. --> EN: Values should be all caps, re: PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "University of Bern" files: 'DOCUMENT/*.LBL' --> RELEASE_ID value should be surrounded by double quotes. --> REVISION_ID is not a valid PDS keyword. Please remove it. files: 'DOCUMENT/*.PDF' --> These files should be PDF-A/1a or PDF-A/1b compliant. --> We need an english version of these files, at least in addition to the exist files. file: 'DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT' --> The PDS label part of this file is missing. Please add it. file: 'ERRATA.TXT' --> This file is invalid since it is missing the PDS label part. But since this file has no contents, strongly recommend just removing it. If removed, also update the AAREADME.TXT reference to it. files: 'INDEX/*.LBL' --> Suggest adding FORMAT keywords to each column. --> Note that the VOLUME_ID value will need to be updated from "N/A" once created. file: 'INDEX/BROWSE_INDEX.TAB' --> The forth column, PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME, all contain values of 'N/A'. This should not be the case. You may need to add this keyword to the browse product labels. file: 'LABEL/LABINFO.TXT' --> "dummy file" is not acceptable. Please replace this text with the contents and descriptions of the this directory. file: 'LABEL/NMS_DATA1.FMT' --> line 18: This line is 81 characters in length. Remove one of the padding white spaces. files: 'LABEL/NMS_DATA[34].FMT' --> The last line in the file is missing the carriage return and line feed ('\r\n' or CRLF). Please add. --> EN: BYTES = 57 should be 56 file: 'LABEL/NMS_DATA5.FMT' --> line 15: This line is 81 characters in length. Remove one of the padding white spaces to have the line be 80 characters in length. --> line 18: This line is 78 characters in length. Please add two whitespaces to pad the line out to 80. file: 'VOLDESC.CAT' --> VOLUME_SET_NAME, VOLUME_SET_ID, VOLUME_NAME, VOLUME_ID, VOLUME_VERSION_ID must not equal "N/A". Please fill in these values. PDS-SBN can assist with generating these values. --> It may be prudent to make the DESCRIPTION more unique. Though this is currently the only GIO NMS data set, there may be more?