October 2018 SOHO SWAN Comet Water Production Rates Liens Version 2 of the Collection ========================================================= Cesare Grava & Jeff Morgenthaler Science Review =============================================== Liens fixed by Lori Feaga in communication with data provider and submitted to Ben Hirsch on 01/09/2020 ============================================================= file: overview.txt --> This file has been updated in the following ways: added two directly related references, clarified why the heliocentric velocities and column densities are not single valued and therefore not included in the data tables, enhanced the description of the aperture brightness extraction and exclusion of field stars by hand. These changes relate to the scientific queries from the reviewers. --> In the full collection, this file should replace overview.txt supplied with V1 of the data. --> **Ben to make sure this replacement happens, Lori has completed all edits. file: overview.xml --> This file has an updated publication_year, publication_date, and modification_date. It is for the V2 overview.txt file listed above. --> In the full collection, this file should replace overview.xml supplied with V1 of the data. --> **Ben to make sure this replacement happens, Lori has completed all edits. file: collection.xml --> The data products' LIDs are not derived from this file's LID: urn:nasa:pds:soho:swan_comet_water while the product LIDs are: e.g. urn:nasa:pds:soho:swan_derived:c_2012_k1_panstarrs_water_tab ... (all 13 files) --> The collection LID has been corrected to urn:nasa:pds:soho:soho:swan_derived --> Lori has confirmed correctness of data products' LIDs and completed this edit in collection.xml. file: collection.xml/inventory.xml --> The inventory file only includes the new data files. It needs to be reproduced to contain all products in the collection, original and new. --> In the full collection, version 2 of the collection.xml supplied here should replace the old collection.xml. Once the inventory.xml file is created, the number of records needs to be updated in collection.xml. --> **Ben to make sure the inventory file is created, records attribute is updated, and file replacement happens. all xml label files: where applicable --> publication_year/date was updated to 2020 and modification_date was updated if applicable. --> Lori has completed all edits. all xml labels reference urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.soho except the collection.xml --> It has been confirmed that mission.soho should be used rather than urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.solar_and_heliospheric_observatory All V1 and V2 data and files are correctly using mission.soho and collection.xml has been corrected. --> **Ben to consider correcting the mission LIDs in the document collection label files, which incorrectly use urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.solar_and_heliospheric_observatory in the following files: document/collection.xml, document/overview/lasco.xml, soho_mission.xml, soho_spacecraft.xml, and swan.xml. This issue was found when investigating this lien. --> **Ben while in swan.xml, pleaes fix typo in citation description change (SWAN_ to (SWAN). --> **Ben to consider correcting the spacecraft LIDs in the document collection label files, which still have TBD in them in the following files: clock_resets_reboots.xml and time_and_rotation_axis.xml, the correct LID is urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.soho. --> The labels all have references to urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:swan.soho Major, please provide a context product for that. --> **Ben to do/initiate. --> If SBN wants to provide lid_references to the comets in this collection, EN can provide the LIDs. --> **Ben to do/initiate. When Ben's few tasks are compelted, this data collection is ready to be archived - LMF 01/09/2020. Certification Status: Certified with minor liens