October 2018 New Horizons REX KEM Cruise 1 Raw/Calibrated Liens =============================================================== Certification Status: Not Certified, delta review required. Need to review missing dsn uplink files or documentation. START/STOP_TIME --> It was noted that for some instruments that there may be an overlap of data between the Pluto Encounter and the KEM mission phases. It was decided during the review to have the data live in the current KEM data sets. But please document in the dataset.cat and nh_kem.cat file of this fact, where it occurs, and ensure the START/STOP_TIME values are correct in the dataset.cat file. It might still be applicable to include a spacecraft event kernel or event log along with the documentation, if one is not included in the SPICE packages for this time span. file: catalog/dataset.cat --> CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE "Review" section: consider making this statement generic, change from “certified for scientific use on TBD.” to “certified for scientific use by the PDS.” --> -2- and -3- dataset.cat effectively the same file. Descriptions are very generic and do not contain any specific discussion of these particular data. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: In the first paragraph they call this mission phase "Kuiper Belt cruise 1 mission phase", but in the data files, they call it "CRUISE TO FIRST KBO ENCOUNTER". Should be consistant. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: Please specify the actual date range of the data found in the data set, or that could be found within the dataset. Currently they specify when data was downlinked, or that data is found between START_TIME and STOP_TIME (which should be replaced with actual values). --> In CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE: DOCUMENT/SEQ_LORRI_PLUTO.TAB is mentioned, but this document does not exist yet. Update this text. file: catalog/nh.cat --> Remove from these KEM data sets. Provide updated copy to PDS for ingestion. --> There is a reference to a missing note in both raw and calibrated folders: “4 These mission phase dates and/or designations are still under consideration and will most likely change in future versions of this mission catalog.” It should be deleted because note 4 refers to KEM phase. file: catalog/nh_kem.cat --> MISSION_DESC should unambiguously give the values of MISSION_PHASE_NAME. It currently has: =================== Full MISSION_PHASE_NAME, Short name Start(1,3) Stop(2,3) plus optional Description ---------- ---------- --------- ------------------------- KEMCRUISE1 2016-10-26 2018-08-14 KEM CRUISE1, KBO1 CRUISE, Pluto-KBO1 Cruise, Kuiper belt Extended Mission (KEM) first cruise (4) KEM1 2018-08-14 TBD KEM1 ENCOUNTER, KBO1 ENCOUNTER, KBO1 approach, flyby, post-encounter (4) =================== --> --> Please make it clear what the valid values being used for MISSION_PHASE_NAME are. Note that all values should be in all caps. --> --> Note that none of the values above are currently being used in a data set. It is okay to list future values, but the current value is also needed. --> --> Please add "CRUISE TO FIRST KBO ENCOUNTER" in the table above --> Missing acronyms: (KB) for Kuiper Belt, (KBO) for Kuiper Belt Object. --> "Characterize regolity scattering properties of MU69 and any satellites and rings." Change "regolity" to "regolith". --> Worth mentioning the ambiguity of the start_date (and overlap of data between prior mission phase) for some instruments. --> line 225, regolith misspelled. --> typo in kem1 cruise phase disc: "The name and times chose for this mission phase" (chosen) --> There is a reference to a missing note in both raw and calibrated folders: “4 These mission phase dates and/or designations are still under consideration and will most likely change in future versions of this mission catalog.” It should be deleted because note 4 refers to KEM phase. files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> MISSION_NAME: Change value from "NEW HORIZONS" to "NEW HORIZONS KUIPER BELT EXTENDED MISSION" directory: data/tnf/ --> Please include the DSN Uplink Tracking Files for these data sets. file: document/docinfo.txt --> aareadme_bu.txt listed here not included in the directory. file: document/nh_met2utc.lbl & nh_met2utc.tab --> These files need to be updated to include the current data. The last entry in the tab file is on January 2, 2016. Data should continue through the time covered by the data submitted in this archive. --> Suggestion: converts MET to date (neat, but wouldn’t it be better if they included a routine? Times are provided every 500,000 seconds...) file: document/rex_activities_kemcruise1.pdf --> Section 2/3: Include the dates of the SNR verification in the paragraph like done for the other two sections rather than reading the cryptic “DataTrack” subsection --> Section 4: “December 1th, 2017” should be “December 11, 2017” --> By including consistent dates it makes it easier for the user to correlate which directory in the DATA/ folder to look in for a given activity file: document/seq_rex_*.* --> Please add these files as was done for PC and PE mission phases. file: index/index.lbl & index.tab --> This Level 3 index file looks odd to me. In the label description only describes the option for “Level 1” or “Level 2”, despite this being a Level 3 archive. In the table files are listed the “Level 2”; however, the names of the data files described in the table are the Level 3 file names. I checked the Level 2 archive. The Level 2 table shows “Level 1” in the field and Level 2 file names are shown. --> --> Edit the column DESCRIPTION to reflect what these values mean and/or what standard they are using. For instance these might signify CODMAC level (not in NH case). You can also just state that Level 1 mean raw data, and Level 2 means calibrated, or what ever the case actually may be. file: index/indxinfo.txt --> mentions "SLIMINDX.TAB - Narrow version of INDEX.TAB, less than 80-columns wide." but SLIMINDX.TAB is really 85 characters wide. file: index/slimindx.tab --> Suggestion: If the actual target is not specified here (i.e. CALIBRATION vs RHO LEO), please add a new column to specify it. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> DESCRIPTION: In the first paragraph they call this mission phase "Kuiper Belt cruise 1 mission phase", but in the data files, they call it "CRUISE TO FIRST KBO ENCOUNTER". Should be consistant. --> VOLUME_SET_NAME: Values must be in all caps. Last edited by SBN:B.Hirsch and SBN:T.Barnes on 2018-10-19