Created by SBN:T.Barnes for the Rosetta MUST data sets. =============================================== General NOTE: (1) First delivery of sample L4e/f data sets. (2) PDF files format are archive compliant. =============================================== Datasets Validated: RO-C-OSINAC-4-ESC1-67P-M12-INF-REFL-V0.1 RO-C-OSINAC-4-ESC1-67P-M12-INFLDSTR-V0.1 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-ESC1-67P-M12-INF-REFL-V0.1 RO-C-OSIWAC-4-ESC1-67P-M12-INFLDSTR-V0.1 =============================================== Errors/notes for: GLOBAL (all datasets) DS Version --> Note that this is a sample version (V0.1) and all data set ids and name related values will need to be updated to V1.0 before release to the public. MISSING PRODUCTS? - --> Based on L4a/b/c/d, I noticed that there are products not included in L4e/f. Is this correct? --> --> 'N20150130T011832377ID4*24*' (target = 67P) - To me this image looks fine and so I was confused why it was not resampled further. I also found 41 WAC 67P images that were excluded as well. --> --> All VEGA target products from INFLDSTR. User guide states that stars ('luminescent objects') would not be included in reflectance units data sets, so why are they not included in the INFLDSTR as was done in other L4 data sets? Should the user guide be updated? file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> ABSTRACT/DATA_SET_DESC: Both terms are used, but I would think only one is correct: "stray light" vs "straylight". Should be consistant unless this difference is correct. I will note that in the MISSION.CAT file, it uses "straylight", but in other OSIRIS data sets is uses "stray light". --> ABSTRACT/DATA_SET_DESC: I noticed that the PROCESSING_LEVEL_DESC in the Browse and data product labels describes the processing as "out-of-field straylight and infield straylight" whereas in the DS.CAT it describes it as "solar stray light corrected, in-field straylight corrected". Note the two different spellings of "in-field" vs "infield" and "Solar" vs "out-of-field". I did not check the documentation, but the team should probably be consistant in their terms and spellings. --> DATA_SET_DESC: Note that the "Related Datasets" lists data sets that are not available yet, namely the L2/3 V3.0 and L4a V2.0. If these data sets are indeed based off of those, we (PSA/PDS) should push to get them released sooner rather than later. --> --> Will the L5 need to be reprocessed given this new L4e/f data sets? files: 'BROWSE/*.LBL', 'DATA/FITS/*.LBL', 'DATA/IMG/*.IMG' --> formatting in NOTE not consistant. See 7th line is not tabbed out and then there are a lot of extra spaces in "t = START_TIME" --> PROCESSING_LEVEL_DESC: a word is cut in half on two lines "cor" and "rected" should probably be "corrected" (no pun intended). file: 'DOCUMENT/*/Thumbs.db' --> Delete these Windows files. file: 'VOLDESC.CAT' --> VOLUME_NAME: Recommend adding "-E" or "-F" after "RESAMPLED" to distinguish between other L4 data volumes.