September 2019 New Horizons Review ================================== PEPSSI KEM Cruise 1 and KEM1 Encounter Liens ============================================ Reviewers: Steve Joy, Sandee Jeffers ==================================== file: --> Extra characters "\n" need to be deleted from "ADDRESS_TEXT". CATALOG file: catalog/ --> Minor spelling error. line 390 dependant -> dependent file: catalog/ --> Within a mission phase, the -2- and -3- dataset catalogs are effectively identical with the only changes being -2- becoming -3- and Raw becoming Calibrated. Between phases, there are a few more minor differences in the phase name, and in this case, the explanation of version 2. --> Under Version, there is text that begins, "Future datasets may include more data...". I'm concerned that the data are being released when they may be potentially incomplete. Thus, are there truly future data to be added to this dataset? INDEX file: all index/index.lbl & .tab --> There is no level 3 description included. Level 3 data in the file lists all files as Level 2. Similarly, the file in the Level 2 data labels the Level 2 data as Level 1. This needs to be fixed. --> Although the wording changed from the last review, the data levels are not consistent with the data delivered. This should be corrected as suggested in the last review/ DOCUMENT file: document/docinfo.txt --> "SEQ_PEPSSI_KEMCRUISE1.TAB" listed twice. Second instance should have .lbl extension. file: document/soc_inst_icd.lbl --> Typo - Instument -> Instrument file: document/nh_met2utc.lbl --> Typo - thoughout -> throughout CALIB file: calib/calinfo.txt --> “rateboxdefinitionplanes.lit Label for "; read label for description” Must be an error in the code generating this file. Should read: “rateboxdefinitionplanes.lbl Label for rateboxdefinitionplanes.lbl; read label for description” file: calib/rateboxdefinitionplanes.lbl --> Typo - extenstions -> extensions DATA file: nh-x-pepssi-2-kem*/data/*/*eng.lbl --> Description gets cut off. coun -> counts; unbounde -> unbounded file: nh-x-pepssi-*/data/*/*sci.lbl --> Typo - Descriminator -> Discriminator file: nh-x-pepssi-3-kemcruise1-v2.0/data & nh-x-pepssi-3-kem1-v1.0/data --> PEPSSI QL for Ions. What is the cause of the less intense times circled in the presentation? Technical Review: Tilden Barnes =============================== DATA_SET_ID: Should the KEM1 id not be '-X-' (for "Other") but '-A-' for "asteroid"? Or are we stating the KBOs are other? file: 'catalog/' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: The abstracts between KEMCRUISE1 and KEM1 are almost identical, yet don't they include different things? Most of the text makes sense for being the same, but I question if what is included is always the same. Perhaps I'm wrong. --> DATA_SET_DESC: The difference between KEMCRUIE1 and KEM1 are negligible. Should that be the case of for a cruise data set and then an encounter? The purposes and what is observed or done I would think would be different. Certification: Certified with liens.