September 2019 New Horizons Review ================================== REX KEM Cruise 1 and KEM1 Encounter Liens ========================================= Reviewers: Dustin Buccino, Frank Centinello =========================================== CATALOG file: catalog/ --> Under Version, there is text that begins, "Future datasets may include more data...". I'm concerned that the data are being released when they may be potentially incomplete. Thus, are there truly future data to be added to this dataset? kem1/DATA --> These datasets contain no REX data at all, only DSN uplink data from a few tests and the MU69 encounter itself. I do not understand the purpose of archiving such a dataset at this time, as there is very little scientific information contained within the dataset when there is no REX data associated with it. file: --> Contains the sequence of events for REX for the dataset. It shows the September and October activities which I can correlate with the TNF files. It lists activities on December 24, 2018 but there are no corresponding files associated with this. It is missing the KEM encounter activities. file: rex_activities_kemcruise1.pdf --> It is unclear to me why this document is included in this dataset, when the activities described within occurred in the KEM Cruise 1 datasets. It should be replaced with a version that covers this dataset. Technical Review: Tilden Barnes =============================== DATA_SET_ID: Should the KEM1 id not be '-X-' (for "Other") but '-A-' for "asteroid"? Or are we stating the KBOs are other? file: 'catalog/' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: The abstracts between KEMCRUISE1 and KEM1 are almost identical, yet don't they include different things? Most of the text makes sense for being the same, but I question if what is included is always the same. Perhaps I'm wrong. --> DATA_SET_DESC: The difference between KEMCRUIE1 and KEM1 are negligible. Should that be the case of for a cruise data set and then an encounter? The purposes and what is observed or done I would think would be different. REX KEM1 really has no data. Should we remove these data sets until we do? file: '*kem1*/index/' --> Remove the entry for INDEX/CHECKSUM.TAB. file: 'document/rex_ssr.pdf' --> This file claims to be PDF/A-1b compliant, but it fails validation. file: 'document/tnfsis.pdf' --> This file needs to be PDF/A-1a or -1b compliant. Certification: KEM Cruise 1 is certified. KEM1 Encounter is not certified. Review again when there are data.