September 2019 New Horizons Review ================================== SWAP KEM Cruise 1 and KEM1 Encounter Liens ========================================== Reviewers: Sandee Jeffers, Steve Joy ==================================== file: --> Extra characters "\n" need to be deleted from "ADDRESS_TEXT". CATALOG file: catalog/ --> -2- and -3- are effectively the same file with only the most minor differences. --> Under Version, there is text that begins, "Future datasets may include more data...". I'm concerned that the data are being released when they may be potentially incomplete. Thus, are there truly future data to be added to this dataset? DOCUMENT file: document/docinfo.txt --> "SEQ_SWAP_KEMCRUISE1.TAB" listed twice. Second instance should have .lbl extension. file: document/swap_cal.pdf, swap_ssr.pdf --> Formula for RPA Voltage as a function of Azimuth Angle fixed from last review, but could still use some adjustment. Hard to read - could use some spacing after the commas, like what's done in the instrument paper [MCCOMASETAL2008]. --> Addex text suggest from last review. This is great, but the rest of the document has references like "(see Figure 31 of [MCCOMASETAL2008])." Link the swap_ssr.pdf with the reference: “… in the file swap_ssr.pdf (referenced as [MCCOMASETAL2008]).” or “We refer to some figures in the instrument paper (using reference [MCCOMASETAL2008],…” file: document/soc_inst_icd.lbl --> Typo - Instument -> Instrument file: document/nh_met2utc.lbl --> Typo - thoughout -> throughout file: all document/data_summary_plots/data_summary.lbl --> Confusing description of data summary plots - there are six panels, but only five panels considered plots? Could not find more detailed explanation of summary plots in soc_inst_icd.pdf at first – Figures 14-11 and 14-12 of the ICD are such plots with detailed science descriptions. Maybe refer to these directly in the data_summary.lbl as good examples of these plots? CALIB file: calib/background_009_dac*.lbl --> Typo - backgound -> background_009_dac* file: calib/esa_rpa_*_energy_binsf*.lbl --> Typo - responsiblity -> responsibility file: calib/list_energy.lbl --> description says that files have .csv extentions but are really tables. This is old and should be corrected. All of the files in have .tab file extensions. It might be much more helpful to the user to explain why multiple versions of the file (v16,v18, v19 new2) are required. What is changing in time in the instrument, spacecraft, or environment that necessitates a change? This information is not provided in the or the ICD so it should be recorded somewhere. DATA file: nh-x-swap-2-kem*/data/*/*0x586_eng.lbl --> Typo - wpacecraft -> spacecraft file: nh-x-swap-3-kem*/data/*/*sci.lbl/tab --> Typo - measuremnt -> measurement Technical Review: Tilden Barnes =============================== DATA_SET_ID: Should the KEM1 id not be '-X-' (for "Other") but '-A-' for "asteroid"? Or are we stating the KBOs are other? file: 'catalog/' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: The abstracts between KEMCRUISE1 and KEM1 are almost identical, yet don't they include different things? Most of the text makes sense for being the same, but I question if what is included is always the same. Perhaps I'm wrong. --> DATA_SET_DESC: The difference between KEMCRUIE1 and KEM1 are negligible. Should that be the case of for a cruise data set and then an encounter? The purposes and what is observed or done I would think would be different. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: Please remove reference to other keywords in the file. The abstract should be an independent statement about the contents of the data set. It would also be good to clarify what you mean by "nominal end of mission phase." Do you mean the end of the pluto mission phase? The end of New Horizons mission since now you are in the KEM mission? Certification: Certified with liens.