spitzer-spec-comet/.../*xml - All files reference: urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.spitzer urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.spitzer urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:irs.spitzer EN has not received context products for those. The first two LIDs would be fine, but the third should be reversed, i.e. urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:spitzer.irs That is based on the proposed PDS4_Context_Products_Guide_V1.4.pdf. Please send these EN context products to be ingested. - No files reference LIDs for targets. PDS has already created context products and their LIDs for some of the targets in this review, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:context:target:comet.9p_tempel_1 urn:nasa:pds:context:target:comet.c2001_q4_neat We could create the rest if requested. This affects search. If LIDs and context products are to be created. They should be added as references in the products. - The files begin (with less friendly white space shown below): 1) For the data labels, in should be and xsi:schemaLocation=" http://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/pds/v1 ../PDS4/pds/v1/PDS4_PDS_1B00.xsd should be xsi:schemaLocation=" http://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/pds/v1 https://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/pds/v1/PDS4_PDS_1B00.xsd 4) EN (and the DPH) recommends that the Root Tag include: xmlns:pds="http://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/pds/v1" spitzer-spec-comet/collection.xml - This file does not reference urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.spitzer as every other label does. That will affect search results - the schematron specification is required but missing. need something similar to: spitzer-spec-comet/data/.../*xml - This is a schematron error spectrum spectral_characteristics_to_table_object ... spectrum For spectral_characteristics_to_table_object, the allowable objects are Table_Character or Table_Binary, not Table_Delimited. Either change these files to use one of the other two tables or change the spectral schematron. spitzer-spec-comet/data/spectrum1d/41P_Tuttle_Giacobini_Kresak-pre1.275-20060418.09-irs-cubism.xml - The following has a non-Latin character, which is illegal: Spitzer/IRS spectrum of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák at 1.275 AU on 2006-04-18 02:07 spitzer-spec-comet/inventory.csv - The file should be named collection.csv The comments for NH from a year ago have been resolved. Thanks. */catalog/nh_kem.cat - This is probably fine, but please verify that this should be a new mission.cat (nh_kem.cat) with a new MISSION_NAME MISSION_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS KUIPER BELT EXTENDED MISSION" instead of using the existing nh.cat and the existing MISSION_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS" nh-x-lorri-*/catalog/dataset.cat - These targets are not in the PDS3 database and need target.cats: TARGET_NAME = "ASTEROID 119951 (2002 KX14)" TARGET_NAME = "ASTEROID 516977 (2012 HZ84)" TARGET_NAME = "2012 HE85" TARGET_NAME = "2011 HF103" TARGET_NAME = "2011 HJ103" TARGET_NAME = "2011 HK103" TARGET_NAME = "2011 JW31" TARGET_NAME = "2011 JY31" TARGET_NAME = "2011 HZ102" TARGET_NAME = "2014 OE394"