Issues found by SBN:T.Barnes for Sept 2019 peer review. =============================================== NOTE: (1) Second delivery of kc2 data to PDS-SBN. =============================================== Datasets Validated: NH-X-ALICE-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-ALICE-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-LEISA-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-LEISA-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-LORRI-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-LORRI-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-MVIC-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-MVIC-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-PEPSSI-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-PEPSSI-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-REX-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-REX-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-SDC-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-SDC-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-SWAP-2-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-SWAP-3-KEMCRUISE1-V2.0 NH-X-ALICE-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-ALICE-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-LEISA-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-LEISA-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-LORRI-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-LORRI-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-MVIC-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-MVIC-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-PEPSSI-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-PEPSSI-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-REX-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-REX-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-SDC-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-SDC-3-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-SWAP-2-KEM1-V1.0 NH-X-SWAP-3-KEM1-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) DATA_SET_ID: Should the KEM1 id not be '-X-' (for "Other") but '-A-' for "asteroid"? Or are we stating the KBOs are other? file: 'catalog/' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: The abstracts between KEMCRUISE1 and KEM1 are almost identical, yet don't they include different things? Most of the text makes sense for being the same, but I question if what is included is always the same. Perhaps I'm wrong. --> DATA_SET_DESC: The difference between KEMCRUIE1 and KEM1 are negligible. Should that be the case of for a cruise data set and then an encounter? The purposes and what is observed or done I would think would be different. =============================================== Errors for: ALICE file: 'catalog/' --> TARGET_NAME: For KEMCRUISE1, remove the MU69 since it is not a listed target in the data labels. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: For KEM1, please include mention of MU69, the primary target of this mission phase and of the data in the data directory. =============================================== Errors for: LEISA file: 'catalog/' --> TARGET_NAME: For KEMCRUISE1, remove the MU69 since it is not a listed target in the data labels. =============================================== Errors for: LORRI [NO ADDITIONAL] =============================================== Errors for: MVIC [NO ADDITIONAL] =============================================== Errors for: PEPSSI [NO ADDITIONAL] =============================================== Errors for: REX REX KEM1 really has no data. Should we remove these data sets until we do? file: '*kem1*/index/' --> Remove the entry for INDEX/CHECKSUM.TAB. file: 'document/rex_ssr.pdf' --> This file claims to be PDF/A-1b compliant, but it fails validation. file: 'document/tnfsis.pdf' --> This file needs to be PDF/A-1a or -1b compliant. =============================================== Errors for: SDC [NO ADDITIONAL] =============================================== Errors for: SWAP file: 'catalog/' --> ABSTRACT_DESC: Please remove reference to other keywords in the file. The abstract should be independent statement about the contents of the data set. It would also be good to clarify what you mean by "nominal end of mission phase." Do you mean the end of the pluto mission phase? The end of New Horizons mission since now you are in the KEM mission?