Rosetta OSIRIS GEOSPICE July 2020 Review Comments (by T.Barnes) =============================================== NOTE: 1) First delivery of GEOSPICE data sets. =============================================== Datasets Validated: RO-C-OSINAC-5-ESC1-67P-M12-GEOSPICE-V1.0 RO-C-OSIWAC-5-ESC1-67P-M12-GEOSPICE-V1.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) The associated data set list found in the DATASET.CAT file lists all those data sets that we have publicly posted. But I thought that a bore-sight corrected and full-frame version of these data sets are being produced. If that is true, should the geospice be based on those, or will the geospice just always be based on a superseded data set? I guess that that assumes the differences between the two versions of the data sets would impact these GEOSPICE data sets. Do they? file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> This file is exactly the same as the corresponding one found in the -GEO- data sets, except for differences you would expect for a data set produced later. What makes this data set unique? I would expect the DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC, ABSTRACT_DESC, DATA_SET_DESC, to have some text that differentiates this L5 from all others (specifically GEO vs GEOSPICE, but also just in general). For instance per the science user guide, it states that "The geometry is derived from the SPICE toolkit" as opposed to "derived from shape modeling by-products" of the GEO data sets. --> ABSTRACT_DESC: Add text that makes this GEOSPICE unique to any other CODMAC L5 data set. --> DATA_SET_DESC: Add text that makes this GEOSPICE unique to any other CODMAC L5 data set. files: 'DOCUMENT/*/*.PDF" --> Files are not PDF/A-1a or 1b compliant, even if they claim to be. When they did claim to be following a standard, they all failed verification of the standards they claimed to be following. --> --> DOCUMENT/CALIB/BORESIGHT_V01.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/CALIB/GEOMETRIC_DIST_COR_V04.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/CALIB/GEO_PRODUCTS_V03.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/CALIB/INFIELD_STRLIGHT_V03.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/CALIB/OSIRIS_CAL_PIPELINE_V10.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/EAICD/OSIRIS_EAICD_V08.PDF (note: "At least one signature has problems") --> --> DOCUMENT/SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE/SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE_V07.PDF --> --> DOCUMENT/SIS/OSIRIS_SIS_V08.PDF file: 'DOCUMENT/CALIB/BAD_PIXELS_V04.PDF' --> This file follows the PDF/A-2B standard, which is not a valid standard for a PDS archive. Please use either the PDF/A-1a or 1b standard. file: 'VOLDESC.CAT' --> Similar to the errors in DATASET.CAT file, something needs to be added to make this unique (aside from IDs) from the GEO data set or any other CODMAC L5 data set. --> VOLUME_NAME: Suggest adding "GEOSPICE" so "DERIVED GEOSPICE OSIRIS ...." or "DERIVED OSIRIS NAC GEOSPICE DATA ....". Also suggest adding MTP phase to make it unique to other MTP's of the same mission phase. --> DESCRIPTION: Suggest adding "GEOSPICE" to first or second text line. --> VOLUME_ID and VOLUME_SET_ID: Remember to use unique IDs when generating for other mission phases. Currently the ROOSI_6XXX series is unused, but you also have unused numbers still in the ROOSI_4XXX series that you put the other processing levels (namely ROOSI_4XX[6789] or ROOSI_2XX[6789] for cruise).