Rosetta NAVCAM L3 August 2020 Review Comments (by T.Barnes) =============================================== NOTE: 1) Second peer review of NAVCAM L3 data sets. Last review as in May 2019. =============================================== Datasets Validated: =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) The calibration appears to be different (based on many keyword values) than was reviewed in May 2019. This was not expected and so note here. If this is true, then good. If false, then why did many "ROSETTA::CAM_PIX_xxxxxx" and "DERIVED_xxxxx" keyword values change along with the IMG files? file: 'BGeiger-NAVCAM-Calibration-20200616.pdf' --> Do the following when included in the data set: --> --> Ensure that this file is PDF/A-1a or 1b compliant. --> --> Please produce a label for this file. --> --> Please include in the DOCINFO.TXT file. --> --> Include in ICD document section 5.3 (pg 24). file: 'AAREADME.TXT' --> Acronyms list was removed since May 2019 review and last delivery in Jan 2020. Was this intentional? Note that a list is in the ICD currently. --> typos: (please confirm before correcting, since may be UK vs US spelling or another non-US word entirely) --> --> line 24: "consits" => "consists" --> --> line 63: "purpouses" => "purposes" (Is this a UK spelling?) file: 'CATALOG/DATASET.CAT' --> IF the calibration paper is going to be in the REF.CAT file as opposed to in the DOCUMENT directory, please add a REFERENCE_KEY_ID to this file for it. file: 'CATALOG/NAVCAM_INST.CAT' --> The 'CALIBRATION' section has been completely removed. This is probably fine since it was effectively TBD, but the LABEL_REVISION_NOTE needs to be updated to reflect this change. file: 'DOCUMENT/RO-SGS-IF-0001.ASC' --> This file is version 6.1 not 6.2 as PDF doc and label describes. Please update. file: 'DOCUMENT/RO-SGS-IF-0001.LBL' --> Please update the PUBLICATION_DATE to be better reflect the current version of this file. Document says it was last updated 2020-Jun-01. files: 'INDEX/{BROWSE_INDEX,INDEX}.LBL' --> The keyword REVISION_ID is not a valid keyword. Please generate these files using the latest software like the other Rosetta instruments, which does not contain this keyword or simply remove the keyword from the label. It is fine to keep the REVISION_ID column in the INDEX table if you wish, but it is unknown where you are getting the value since it is not found in the PDS data or browse labels. file: 'INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT' --> This file loosely describes the GEO_* files. The description is wrong for the NAVCAM data sets since XXXX is something different. --> This file does not describe the NAVCAM_* files.