Spitzer Comet Spectroscopy Liens ================================ Documentation ============= file: overview.pdf --> Add an explicit comment to footnote "a" that "..." in Table 3 indicates there is no observation for that epoch. --> End of section 3.2.5, remove "for" from "We calibrate the data as an for extended source..." --> Appendix A-typo in CUBISM in several spots, double “with” in second paragraph --> Units on example plots are not those for the data, made comparison more difficult --> For B1 LINEAR, blue and orange points are on top of each other, please offset --> Page 26, paragraph 7: remove extraneous "the" from "...aperture sizes perpendicular to the slit are limited by the each..." --> Figure 7: Label each of the individual plots with their respective model comae. Similar to Figure 8. --> Update Citation Information publication year to 2021. file: collection.xml --> Update Citation Information publication year to 2021. Data ==== file: data/*.xml --> Labels have units of W/(m2 μm) but it appears the actual units of the data are in Jy. Correct units (using SI units) and add scale factor if needed. Engineering Node Liens ====================== file: *.xml - For URLs of nasa sites, should use https instead of http, e.g. has a non IsBasicLatin character in Kresák: Spitzer/IRS spectrum of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák at 1.275 AU ... Please replace the character by "a".