ROSINA DFMS Abundances Liens ============================ Documentation ============= --> Include a reference or explain the process of deriving this data set form the primary calibrated data set. --> Provide references to relevant instrument papers that include calibration information. --> Provide references to the raw datasets used to produce this derived dataset. --> Add reference to publication this collection is in support of. --> Include explanations as to the what is meant by sum of peaks and area under mass peaks. --> Provide explanation/reference of uncertainties or what is used in their place for ROSINA data. file: collection.xml --> States this data is from "prelaunch" phase when it is actually from the "prelanding" phase. --> Inconsistencies in the description between what is on the webpage and the collection.xml description. PDS Labels and Metadata ======================= --> It would be useful to have a definition of the "Cheops reference frame" Data ==== --> Difference between HRA and HRB shoud be explained somewhere. --> Abundance data (sum of peaks) for C2H6 and CH3OH need to be checked. The data has two branches formed when plotted against time. --> No DFMS number density data available for N2. --> If the assumptions for gas velocities are the same for each species, the abundance to density ratios for each species should also be similar. The variations in the CO data is larger than expected and should be investigated. files: * vs * --> In plots of sum of peaks, data points from b are consistently lower than a after day 80. Differences need to be explained. Engineering Review ================== dfmi_ts_abundance/.../*.xml - These have lid_references to LID which has been deprecated in favor of LID urn:esa:psa:context:instrument:ro.rosina >>> Must fix: please replace with urn:esa:psa:context:instrument:ro.rosina Certification: No. Full review required.