PDS/SBN New Horizons K4 peer review - T. Barnes noted issues =============================================== NOTE: (1) Updated GEOPHYS delivered to correct necessary issues for peer review; all other issues remain from second delivery (2021-11-10/11) of K4 L5 data sets (last delivery was 2021-08-20). Two are versioned from P4. (2) PDF files are all were PDS archive compliant at that time. =============================================== Datasets Validated: NH-A-LEISA/MVIC-5-COMP-V1.0 NH-A-LORRI/MVIC-5-GEOPHYS-V1.0 NH-P/PSA-LORRI/ALICE/REX-5-ATMOS-V2.0 NH-X-ALICE-5-IPM-V1.0 NH-X-PEPSSI-4-PLASMA-V1.0 NH-X-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V2.0 =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) CITATIONS: For peer review, we might want to discuss if (or where) credit (citation data) should be given to individual products or groups of products within each data set. This can be useful for PDS4 migration and assigning DOIs, but also ensuring credit goes to where credit deserves to go. In the end it is the decision of the data provider of course. file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> CITATION_DESC: Chances are these data will not be released to the public in 2021, and so the year should be updated to 2022. We can wait until lien resolution to resolve this to ensure the correct year is present. files: 'data/*' --> SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_{START,STOP}_COUNT: In many instances these are listed as "UNK" when as NH put it "for a value when we know a start/stop time but don’t have a convenient way to translate it into a precise spacecraft time." We should double check this at review, but I think we can mark them as "N/A" since the data is derived and not taken by the spacecraft. files: 'index/index.*' --> Column 5 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME is wrong. They all say "2021-11-15" which was after when the data set was produced AND is not the same as the corresponding keyword value found in the PDS label for each product. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> Note that PDS-SBN will need to update the PUBLICATION_DATE field for when the data sets are actually released to the public. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-A-LEISA/MVIC-5-COMP-V1.0 file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> Strongly, strongly suggest separating out each data type section and creating an ascii document for each. These can then be directly referenced in data files (and here). (Something similar was suggested for P4, but never done.) --> typos in DATA_SET_DESC needed to be forced to lowercase or uppercase: --> --> 'CA05_MVIC_cube.fit' --> --> 'LEISA_Charon_flat.fit' --> --> 'CA04_LEISA_cube.fit' file: 'data/ca04_leisa_cube.lbl' --> There are some values in this DESCRIPTION that are being obscured and should be found in geometry related PDS3 keywords. For instance PHASE_ANGLE, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR or TARGET_DISTANCE or TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE or etc, and possibly SCALED_PIXEL_WIDTH + SCALED_PIXEL_HEIGHT. Please check the keyword definitions to determine if these keywords fit your values. May want to discuss at peer review. Example DESCRIPTION text: This file is the highest spatial resolution LEISA observation, designated as CA04, which was executed on 2019 January 1 around 4:58 UTC, from a phase angle 12.6deg and mean range of 31,000 km, resulting in a mean image scale of 1.9 km per pixel file: 'data/ca05_mvic_cube.lbl' --> There are some values in this DESCRIPTION that are being obscured and should be found in geometry related PDS3 keywords. For instance PHASE_ANGLE, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR or TARGET_DISTANCE or TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE or etc, and possibly SCALED_PIXEL_WIDTH + SCALED_PIXEL_HEIGHT. Please check the keyword definitions to determine if these keywords fit your values. May want to discuss at peer review. Example DESCRIPTION text: This file is the highest spatial resolution MVIC color observation of Arrokoth designated as CA05, which was obtained on 2019 January 1 at 5:14 UTC (coordinated universal time), from a mean range of 17,200 km, at an image scale of 340 meters per pixel, and phase angle 15.5deg." file: 'data/leisa_charon_flat.lbl' --> Since this product was created using 3 images (LSB_0299176809, LSB_0299172889 and LSB_0299172014 per prior DESCRIPTION text) and there are only 3 sources, strongly suggest adding the SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID keyword to link those products with this one. --> --> Ex: SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "[DS_ID]:[PRODUCT_ID]". For multiple instances, just enclose the values with {} delimiting with a comma. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-A-LORRI/MVIC-5-GEOPHYS-V1.0 file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> Strongly, strongly suggest separating out each data type section and creating an ascii document for each. These can then be directly referenced in data files. (Something similar was suggested for P4, but never done.) files: 'data/shape_models/*' --> We will need NAIF to look over the BDS files, but that can be done at the peer review. files: 'data/shape_models/mu69_merged_browse.{lbl,png}' --> Is it appropriate to have this PNG file here? Should it live in a browse or document directory? This can be discussed at the review. --> The PNG_DOCUMENT=>DESCRIPTION states uses the text "ASP-CA04-CA06-LORRI-ICP-smooth.obj" but it has been renamed. Feel free to use the PRODUCT_ID instead. file: 'data/shape_models/mu69_merged.{lbl,tab}' --> DESCRIPTION: The "ASP-CA04-CA06-LORRI-ICP-smooth.obj" file has been renamed. Please fix. Feel free to use the PRODUCT_ID instead. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-P/PSA-LORRI/ALICE/REX-5-ATMOS-V2.0 Note: Verified that all old data is unchanged (except ATMOSCOMP to address filename issues only). Only STAROCC has been added. file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> Strongly, strongly suggest separating out each data type section and creating an ascii document for each. These can then be directly referenced in data files. (Something similar was suggested for P4, but never done.) file: 'index/index.tab' --> Note that the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME should have remained unchanged for almost all of these data products since V1.0. The values in this column do not match the corresponding value in the label file. This should always be the case. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-X-ALICE-5-IPM-V1.0 file: 'data/nh_alice_ipm_scan_countrate.lbl' --> lines 60,73: DATA_TYPE should be changed from MSB_INTEGER to ASCII_INTEGER. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-X-PEPSSI-4-PLASMA-V1.0 files: 'data/*/*' --> SPECIES_HEADER and UNITS_HEADER are okay, but this information should not be hidden in 'header' text, but should be in the PDS label itself. It is fine to keep these headers, but we need the data in the PDS label as well, i.e. found in DESCRIPTION and UNIT for the individual FIELDS. --> --> SBN-TB: I see that you fixed these up, but including the data into the SPREADSHEET's FIELD objects in their DESCRIPTION, including the Lower/Upper energy bound. But the unit needs to be in the UNIT keyword as well for each FIELD. Note that NULL is not an acceptable value for the keyword (since it implies it will be filled in later), but "DATA NUMBER" or "N/A" are valid. You will need to determine which (or if another) applies. --> COMMENT for peer review: Is there sufficient documentation to understand this data? For instance the field names at least to me do not make mean anything, and the DESCRIPTION doesn't help. But this is not data I'm familiar with. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> Is VOLUME_SET_NAME and VOLUME_NAME correct? They imply this is Pluto Encounter data, but this appears to be mission wide data. Please fix if not correct. =============================================== Errors unique for: NH-X-SWAP-5-DERIVED-SOLARWIND-V2.0 file: 'data/nh_pickupions_2008_11_16.{csv,lbl}' --> In the label DESCRIPTION it references "MCCOMAS2017" twice, but I think it should be "[MCCOMASETAL2017]". --> --> If this reference is correct, then this reference needs to be spelled out in the file and/or REF.CAT --> FORMAT should not equal "TIME" but "A##" where "##" is the same as BYTES. Do not confuse FORMAT with DATA_TYPE.