General Comments for the DART Shapemodel collections for the 2022 May 13 Peer review by SBN: T.Barnes urn:nasa:pds:dart:shapemodel::1.0 urn:nasa:pds:dart:shapemodeldoc::1.0 Issue #1: The observing_system_component Host and instrument names are acronyms, not the full name as listed in the description. Is this okay? Issue #2: Is the target name "65803-1 Dimorpho" correct way to signify a satellite? Do we care? Issue #3: A lot of lines are not visually aligned properly in the collection*.xml files. Issue #4: Is it appropriate for the document collection to reference targets of the data collection? Issue #5: The collection descriptions (i.e. abstracts) are vague but probably fine for the document collection. For the data collection, I would recommend including the target names and expanding out "DART" as was done for LICIACube.