General Comments for the Gemini bundle for the 2022 May 13 Peer review by SBN: T.Barnes urn:nasa:pds:gbo-gemini::1.0 urn:nasa:pds:gbo-gemini:mbc_gn::1.0 urn:nasa:pds:gbo-gemini:mbc_gs::1.0 Issue #1: In the collection.xml files, there is a discrepancy between the collection's abstract (i.e. ) and the target list. For South, the abstract says there are 7 comets observed, but I only see 5 comets listed as targets plus 2 calibrators. I confirmed in the data directory that we only have 5 comets listed as targets. Are we missing data or is this a typo in the abstract? There is a similar situation with North, where the abstract claims 10 observed comets but only 9 are listed. Issue #2: The bundle.xml file uses LIDs for bundle members, instead of LIDVIDs. Issue #3: The collection.xml file does not have an internal reference to the overview document.