General Comments for the Rosetta ROSINA DFMS Time Series Abundances collection for the 2022 May 13 Peer review by SBN: T.Barnes urn:nasa:pds:ro-rosina:dfms_ts_abundance::1.0 Issue #1: The collection description (collection.xml) mentions a lot of shorthand abbreviations for the comet mission phases (ex: PRL and EXT2) that those not familiar with the mission would understand. I would recommend adding some more explanation, for instance mentioning the target (67P), and perhaps instead stating they are take from the comet encounter Prelanding thru Extension 2 mission phases (or all comet encounter phases is issue #2 is correct), a time range, or something similar. Try and think of this description as being similar to the abstract of a paper. This description will most likely be what is provided in the DOI and to the ADS. Issue #2: The collection.xml file has an external reference to PDS3 data set. But what is off is that it mentions the use of the EXT3 data, but the collection description does not include this as one of the mission phases used. I will also note that the stop_date_time appears to go thru EXT3, so perhaps it is the collection description in error. Issue #3: For the external references, we should consider using the DOIs for the PDS3 data. There appers to be DOIs for the Rosetta data, though they are not version specific. We can find a list of them here: Example for ESC4: Issue #4: Should the data_description.{pdf,xml} files be referenced in the collection.xml file as an internal reference, similar to an overview document? If not, should we create an overview document?