ATLAS Liens =========== Documentation ============= --> All document files have minor formatting and typo issues. Please correct or deliver the latest, corrected documents. --> Please include a document listing non-standard conventions used or anomalies encountered. --> The documents are lacking sufficient detail to be useful to many researchers. A graduate student from another field (ex: exoplanets) reading this document would be confused by the hyper-specific terminology. They would benefit from more explanation, definition of acronyms, and references. The documents are lacking key details that are needed even for NEO researchers that have extensive background in this work. Without additional details, citations, and explanations, other researchers will not be able to extract full value from this work. --> It would be great to share the code (so the process was transparent even if the text was vague) or, if that's not possible, improve existing documents, so that they have sufficient level of detail that the work can be reproduced by another researcher. --> There are relevant papers (e.g. Chyba Rabeendran & Denneau 2021, Smith et al. 2020) by the team, please summarize and reference them. --> There's overlap of information and a lack of clarity about which document covers which information. You may consider combining all into a single document, with a table of contents, to clearly organize the information for users. --> Something in the PDF conversion went astray that made the documents not searchable using Preview on mac OS. file: atlas_history.pdf --> Needs a different title: "Facilities and History of ATLAS". The Bundle Overview document states that "telescopes and operations are discussed in separate documents." Therefore the user would look for a document entitled Telescopes. --> The longitude of one of the telescopes is missing a negative sign; E or W should be added to all to clarify longitudes. Latitude should replace + with N and - with S file: atlas_operations.pdf --> Was not completed, e.g. Figure XX and reference “(ref)”; had a comment to add a footnote or appendix --> File includes tables 1 and 2 but they are not referred to in the text. --> Text edits, e.g. pg 7. “the pipeline searches for sources in the difference image (again using tphot)” but this is the first mention of tphot. --> Combine Introduction section with text from other documents when making single file. --> Which one is the "atlas telescopes document"? Can you add the filename? --> Missing reference in paragraph before "Image Subtraction". --> How does the scheduler algorithm work, in more detail? --> How close do you get to the moon when it is "avoided"? --> What language is the processing code written in? How long does it take to process an image? --> It's great that this document explains what a Waussian is, so I don't think it's a typo again. But is there a reference? "Truncated at r6" is not sufficiently clear. --> Can you show examples of tracklets accepted by human screeners and examples of rejected tracklets? --> Again, the ATLAS deep machine learning code is not well described- what basic algorithm is used? What language is it in? What is the accuracy? False positive rate? False negative rate? (On more investigation, I found your paper on this! Please cite and provide summary). file: atlas_bundle_overview.pdf --> Tables are not numbered and at least 2 are spread over page breaks. --> Dense volume of new-to-reader products and product names. --> If you cannot state the date range of observations because you plan on regularly adding fresh data, please at least state the earliest date. --> The terms “catalog” and “table” appear to be used interchangeably. --> On pg. 6 in table, Waussian is in table but not defined until pg. 8. --> In the table on pg. 8, the probabilities' and detection classes' units are #...#. Using ellipses adds confusion. For probabilities, I think you mean the range should be 0 to 0.999, not an upper bound of 999. --> Please move the dophot description and reference up, so that it is defined before the table is described. --> A graduate student reading this might not know what a "full resolution column bias array" is. --> In general, there is a lack of detail in how the cleaned image and variance planes were computed. It would be difficult for a researcher to duplicate your work (or fully understand how it was done) with the level of detail provided here. For example, what settings were used in dophot besides the five-sigma cutoff? --> What is the ATLAS tphot convention? --> How is atpants different than hotpants? --> The workings of "vartest" are opaque. --> Explain what a "Waussian fit" is. --> Eliminate acronyms in column descriptions (ex: CCW), add in details of detection class to table (instead of in text), clarify what a Dup value of 2,-2 mean, etc. Data ==== --> The data from the Chilean telescope is missing all the .dph.csv files (only 10 instead of 12) because early observations didn't have a good enough PSF to produce them. Make sure documentation explains this. --> The documentation needs to be clearer that *.dph.csv has all the detected sources while *ddc.csv has all the potential transients. --> For the MEF fits files, the 9 extra extensions popped up a display error (though PDS4Viewer did display them). Labels are missing Display_Direction classes for the extra extensions. --> I sorted the collection from telescope 04 by product type. Exposures are labelled 1-314, but there were only 311 of diff.fz, diff, ddc.csv.xml, and ddc.csv. FITS had more – I stopped checking (alphabetically) at FITS. --> Please include a table or appendix for values in the FITS headers. file: 01a59613o0472o.ddc.csv --> The magnitudes were clustered at about -18 and +18 instead of distributed. XML Labels ========== file: 01a59613o0472o.ddc.csv.xml --> The lid reference is urn:nasa:pds:gbo.ast.atlas.survey:59613:01a59613o0472o_diff. Is that because the csv table was constructed from data extracted from the *diff image? EN Liens ======== bundle*.xml */collection*.xml document/*.xml - These have lid_references to urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas_chile urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas_haleakala urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas_mauna_loa urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas_south_africa urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas_chile.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas_haleakala.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas_mauna_loa.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas_south_africa.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas_chile.0m5.10kccd urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas_haleakala.0m5.10kccd urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas_mauna_loa.0m5.10kccd urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas_south_africa.0m5.10kccd which do not match what data/.../*.xml have. If these describe the same things, please converge. If not, bundle*.xml and collection*.xml should have lid_references to a superset of those in the labels below them. bundle_gbo.ast.atlas.survey_v0.0.xml - Every bundle needs Citation_Information/doi, which can be obtained via though SBN may have its own mechanism data/59613/*.xml Observatory, telescope, instrument LIDs follow this format u:n:p:c:facility:observatory. u:n:p:c:telescope:. u:n:p:c:instrument:.. - Many files have lid_references to this set: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas-chl urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas-chl.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:telescope.sta1600.atlas-chl Assuming the inst LID is based on the telescope LID, the last should be urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas-chl.0m5.sta1600 - Many files have lid_references to this set: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas-hko urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas-hko.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:telescope.sta1600.atlas-hko The last should be urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas-hko.0m5.sta1600 - Many files have lid_references to this set: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.atlas-mlo urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:atlas-mlo.0m5 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:telescope.sta1600.atlas-mlo The last should be urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:atlas-mlo.0m5.sta1600 - PDS does not have a generic target or target type for survey field. Our current solution is to use Multiple Asteroid in place of SA018N58 Survey Field urn:nasa:pds:context:target:survey_field.atlas data_to_target Not all data labels, e.g. *.csv.xml, include the Survey dictionary. Would it be meaningful for those labels to include it? The presence of that dictionary could indicate that the label's target is a survey. - For whatever the final set of context LIDs ends up being, please provide EN with the context objects for them, including the ones above as well as urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:observing_campaign.atlas data/59613/01a59613o0100o.dph.csv* (+ probably others) - In the .xml, field 17 (apsky) has error_constant = -99.999, but in the .csv, that column has many positive values plus a few -100.00 values. I.e. if -100.00 is meant to indicate an error, it doesn't match. If it means something else, please define that constant. data/59613/*dph.csv.xml - Each one has an unknown lid_refernce, e.g. the first file has urn:nasa:pds:bundle_id:59613:01a59613o0029o_fits data_to_raw_product Perhaps ":bundle_id:" is a placeholder for an undetermined bundle? Please resolve that before making the data public.