Lowell Narrowband Comet Photometry Liens ======================================== Documentation ============= file: overview.txt --> Input files mentioned in column 2 are not provided in this data set. Explicitly state in the documentation that this column is given for (whatever reason it is used for in the original data base). --> Would be good to specifically point out and explain the relevant sections in the papers referenced in this dataset (e.g. A’Hearn+ 1995, Farnham+ 2000) because they are often very long papers. Data ==== --> NaN values were used in the table to indicate when a particular filter was not measured. These are invalid with real number data types. Some other value should be used here--one that is outside the measured range of observed values and that can be exactly represented as a double precision float. The fields in the label where this value appears must be updated to include a class (with probably a attribute) to document the value. Additionally, the line in the overview document discussing the NaNs should be revised appropriately. --> In some columns, the values are all the same for all rows. This is up to the provider if they want to leave those in or take them out and mention the values only in the documentation. --> Two values for photometer: Kron or kron. If they are the same one, then perhaps it should be moved to the description. --> Columns that are 'empty', i.e. have no values at all should be deleted (Alt Desig). --> Comet ID and Comet seems duplicated, and neither is clear to non-specialists (need some guessing to link them to official names). --> H2O vapor column. Give all entries in scientific notation (some are, and some are not) --> Some really big uncertainties (note: they are in %). Can these be taken at face value? Would be good to discuss a bit in the Document. --> Certain Comet values need more explanation, e.g. what does "P/Giacobini-Zinner (2018-)? mean – an orbit solution that's only valid after 2018? --> What is aperture number? Seems to be correlated with aperture size (e.g. 8=97.2, 7=77.8, etc). --> Some columns are all NaNs. Do they need to be in the data cube at all? Label ===== file: lowellphot18may21apr.xml --> Dates in column 1 is doubled ——> rogue hidden character in the xml file (only visible for me when using e.g. Visual Studio Code exposing hidden characters) --> should be Derived instead of Calibrated. --> Input file used: mention in the description that the input files are not provided --> Add definition of Tisserand invariant in description field. collection.xml --> Recommend change in case the range of data changes and you wish to supersede the data set instead of creating a new data set. --> Include DOI information and grant number.