=============================================== NOTE: (1) Second full delivery on 2022-09-14. First delivery of K5 was 2022-08-12 w/o PEPSSI. PEPSSI was delivered and SWAP redelivered with label updates on 2022-08-22. (2) There no new or changed PDFs since the last delivery. (3) Checked all changed/added *.tab files for errors. Checked for TARGET_NAME discrepancies. (4) Items marked as "NEW" are new to this particular delivery. =============================================== Datasets Validated: NH-A-ALICE-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-ALICE-3-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-LEISA-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-LEISA-3-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-LORRI-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-LORRI-3-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-MVIC-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-MVIC-3-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-PEPSSI-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-PEPSSI-3-KEM1-V6.0" NH-A-REX-2-KEM1-V5.0 NH-A-REX-3-KEM1-V5.0 NH-A-SDC-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-SDC-3-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-SWAP-2-KEM1-V6.0 NH-A-SWAP-3-KEM1-V6.0" =============================================== Errors for: GLOBAL (all datasets) files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> NEW 9/16: I noticed that the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME keyword value in general has been updated in every (or nearly every) PDS data label, even though no other changes were made to the label or data parts of the product (which is more important). I would expect the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME to only change when the product is created or updated. If this is easily possible, can we limit it to when changes are made? This unnecessary update swamps the difference checking that is done. file: 'index/index.{lbl,tab}' --> NEW 9/16: Many updates were done in the label, but the label forgot to update RECORD_BYTES and ROW_BYTES from 407 to 408. Please correct. --> NEW 9/16: Due the update in the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME values in every data label, COLUMN 6 of this file likewise needs to be updated. I see that the value "2022-09-01" was plugged in, but the actual value should probably match what is found in the data labels, namely "2022-09-01T00:00:00". The column is wide enough to fit this expected value. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> Note that the PUBLICATION_DATE found in this file will be updated to the date PDS releases the data to the public. PDS-SBN will make this update when it is known. =============================================== Errors unique to: ALICE Note: 738 L2 and 738 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated) [NO UNIQUE ISSUES FOUND] =============================================== Errors unique to: LEISA Note: 24 L2 and 24 L3 fits files changed (2 of 26 K4 files were deleted, but all others were changed) [NO UNIQUE ISSUES FOUND] =============================================== Errors unique to: LORRI Note: 8813 L2 and 8749 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated) file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' --> There is mention of two new ApIDs 0x63C/D for co-added LORRI data in the DS.CAT file, but they are not mentioned in the ICD. This may not be a concern at this stage, but I mention it as an issue that might come up. --> --> 9/15 [BLE] It would be great if we could hold these ICD updates off until the next release, when there is actual data for the new ApIDs. So far, the ICD has NOT been updated yet. =============================================== Errors unique to: MVIC Note: 360 L2 and 360 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated, and no new products were added) file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' --> There is mention of two new ApIDs 0x54e/f for co-added MVIC data in the DS.CAT file, but they are not mentioned in the ICD. Should they be? --> --> 9/15 [BLE] Ditto with above comment. Hopefully we can hold the ICD updates off for a while until we know exactly what the PDS updates will look like. Note – the real issue here is that the FITS header info (and therefore the labels) for post-FSW FITS files may need to include more info, and that will affect (probably) how we describe the co-adding process within the ICD. We don’t have all those answers yet. I’ll keep working this with Lori, Howard, and Carly. =============================================== Errors unique to: PEPSSI Note: 844 L2 and 844 L3 fits files changed (847 in K4, 3 files were deleted for each processing level) Question: The DS.CAT file explains that the newly formatted PEPSSI data that was downlinked (or occurred, it is not clear in the description which) after 2022 April 10 were removed from this data set due to their new flight software version results and format not being verified by the NH science team yet. When will they be included since KEM1 is over? DS.CAT L2 version history says: =================== Data acquired after April 10, 2022 has been held back until the next dataset version because it was collected and downlinked with a new flight software version. The results and format have not been verified by the New Horizons science teams yet. =================== --> --> 9/15 JILLIAN: KEM1 will continue downloading during KEM2 file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> NEW 9/16: STOP_TIME matches START_TIME = 2018-08-13T23:59:59.011. Please update the STOP_TIME value to equal 2022-04-10T23:59:59.318. files: 'nh-a-pepssi-3-kem1-v6.0/calib/calpars/*tab' --> NEW 9/16: I noticed that the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME keyword value in general has been updated in every (or nearly every) PDS label, even though no other changes were made to the label or data parts of the product (which is more important). I would expect the PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME to only change when the product is created or updated. If this is easily possible, can we limit it to when changes are made? This unnecessary update swamps the difference checking that is done. file: 'document/soc_inst_icd.pdf' --> Other instruments that changed their data format had sections in the ICD updated, but not PEPSSI. Do any of data format changes outlined in the DS.CAT version history sections need to be included in this document? We can wait for Peer Reviewer input if desired. --> --> 9/15 [BLE] I think we can hopefully wait on this one too (or update it if LORRI/MVIC are updated). The reasoning is the same for all three instruments, i.e. we don’t have the new post-FSW data in K5. There will be a lot of ICD updates for PEPSSI eventually. --> --> 9/16 SBN-TB: I think the difference for PEPSSI is that some of the changes (L3 additions in particular) have been implemented in the current delivery, unlike with LORRI and MVIC. I'll bring this up at the peer review for comment. file: 'index/index.lbl' --> NEW 9/16: Similar as the ds.cat file, the START/STOP_TIME values mentioned herein are incorrect as well. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> NEW 9/16: Similar as the ds.cat file, the START/STOP_TIME values mentioned in the DESCRIPTION keyword value are incorrect. =============================================== Errors unique to: REX Note: 27148 L2 and 27148 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated) directory: 'data/tnf/' --> There are data files thru day 2022049, but nh_rex_*dss*.tnf and nh_uplink_*_dss* files only thru day 2022012. Are we missing anything? There are ionosphere and troposphere files thru April 2022. --> --> 9/15 [BLE] Verified that we have included everything produced by JPL. Also verified the final file dates mentioned by Tilden. I notice in the REX sequence file that our final sequence ends early on 1/13/2022… so that agrees with the current set of TNF/ramps files. So I think this is all OK! The ionosphere and troposphere files probably go out farther because the data within is not directly related to whenever NH did REX any observations. JPL just included the atmosphere info for the date range I requested, through end of April 2022 (or close). So that makes sense too, as long as those dates overlap all our NH data (which they do)? =============================================== Errors unique to: SDC Note: 1024 L2 and 1024 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated) [NO UNIQUE ISSUES FOUND] =============================================== Errors unique to: SWAP Note: 2508 L2 and 1639 L3 fits files changed (all K4 products were updated) file: 'catalog/dataset.cat' --> NEW 9/16: In the ABSTRACT_DESC, the START/STOP_TIME values were updated, but the START_TIME value still excludes two files in with a START_TIME = 2018-08-14T18:08:02.011 (L2 only) and 2018-08-14T20:43:46.011 (L2 and L3). Please update/correct. file: 'index/index.lbl' --> NEW 9/16: Similar as the ds.cat file, the START/STOP_TIME values mentioned herein are incorrect as well. file: 'voldesc.cat' --> NEW 9/6: Similar as the ds.cat file, the START/STOP_TIME values mentioned in the DESCRIPTION keyword value are incorrect.