data_dracocal/collection_data_dracocal.xml - The label has lid_reference urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracocal:overview_data_dracocal.txt but the actual LID is urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracocal:overview_data_dracocal data_dracoraw/collection_data_dracoraw.xml - The label has lid_reference urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw:overview_data_dracoraw.txt but the actual LID is urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw:overview_data_dracoraw data_dracoraw/final/2022/269/dart_0401930044_04835_01_raw.xml (and others?) - This image in pds4_viewer is very dark. The .fits file has MISPXVAL= -32768 / the value assigned to missing pixels PXOUTWIN= 32767 / Value assigned to pixels outside window2 while the .xml file has -32768 -32767 If the latter flips to 32767 (positive), pds4_viewer shows the image clearly data_maf/* - This LID is unknown to EN. Please send EN the context product sometime. urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:dart.hga data_maf/.../*.xml - These labels have lid_references to urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01.pdf while collection_data_maf.xml has a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01 and the label that (presumably) defines the LID has logical_identifier urn:nasa:pds:dart_rs:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01 Please converge on one. The middle one seems most correct. data_trk223/.../*xml - These labels have lid_references to urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01.pdf while collection_data_trk223.xml has a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01 and the label that (presumably) defines the LID has logical_identifier urn:nasa:pds:dart_rs:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01 Please converge on one. The middle one seems most correct. - Instead of https://, these have data_trk234/collection_data_trk234.xml - EN has never seen the LID in this lid_reference, either as a lid_reference of as the LID of a label. Please ensure it does or will exist: urn:nasa:pds:radiosci.documentation:dsn.trk-2-34:2021-06-03 data_trk234/2022/dart_hga_tnf_20220102T030017_v01.xml (and others?) - Some fields have descriptions like Uplink Z-height correction. Values -1.0 to 1.0 are allowed; a value -99.0 indicates invalid. Suggestion: add Special_Constants/invalid_constant, Special_Constants/valid_maximum, Special_Constants/valid_minimum to allow automated checking of values. document_draco/jhuapl_dart_draco_uncalibrated_calibrated_sis_v2.xml document_draco/jhuapl_dart_draco_calibration_pipeline_description_v2.xml - Have these previously been archived? If not, please their version to 1.0. If they have, change collection_document_draco.csv's VIDs to 2.0 for these two LIDs. document_rs/* - This could be ok but probably not. These labels have LIDs urn:nasa:pds:dart_rs:document_rs urn:nasa:pds:dart_rs:document_rs:jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01 while this review's other collections have LIDs with :dart: not :dart_rs:, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_draco urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_maf:dart_rs_2022_001_2022_002_maf_01 The nominal bundle.xml expects urn:nasa:pds:dart:document_rs document_rs/collection_document_rs.xml - Lines 76-80: Dimorphos Asteroid urn:nasa:pds:context:asteroid.dimorphos Dimorphos should be Satellite, and the last line should be: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.65803_didymos.dimorphos If you also want Didymos, add another Target_Identification with urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos pluto_albedo/collection.xml nh_derived/data/pluto_albedo_hof22.xml - Suggestion: replace lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:individual.none with urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.new_horizons This would make a search for New Horizons more likely to return these. pluto_albedo/data/pluto_albedo_hof22.xml - The visual orientations of fv on the .fit file and of pds4_viewer on the .xml file are vertically flipped. Changing this label's line Top to Bottom to Bottom to Top would match the images - I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. pluto_albedo/document/pluto_albedo_hof22_pdfa.xml - Suggestion: add lid_references to the instruments, the instrument_host, and the mission. That would make searches for any of those more likely to return this document.