Lucy L'LORRI Didymos Liens ========================== Documentation ============= file: LLORRI_Users_Guide.pdf --> The structure of the bundle described here (multiple collections corresponding to raw, calibrated, calibration and document products) is inconsistent with the actual structure of the dataset (a single collection). Decide on a final structure for the data and make sure it is consistent with what is in the User's Guide. --> The collection LIDs given are inconsistent with the actual LIDs used in the collection. Make consistent. --> Page 4: description of the PDS4 xml label: metadata attribute should be . --> Page 5, Section 3: No description to explain the FITS extensions in raw data. Needs to briefly describe them, or refer to other documents --> Page 5, Section 3: raw image size (1028x1024) or (258x256) is inconsistent with the instrument description in page 3 Section 1.1 (1024x1024). This is explained later in Section 6.2 in page 7, but would be good to mention the dark columns earlier, e.g., in Section 1.1 --> Page 5: Delete duplicate “be found” --> Page 5: two Lucy L’LORRI specific documentations are cited here, but neither has been written – need to be updated later --> Page 6, top paragraph: Metadata attached to the *raw* L’LORRI images… should be calibrated (partially processed). --> Page 9, Section 6.4: Three sets of calibration constants are provided to convert DN/s to physical units for different colors of targets. The values for Trojans are unnecessary here, given that this document is specifically for the DART data. Also, conversion to I/F is unnecessary here, but it’ll be useful to provide the value of F_dot. --> If possible, include a calibration coefficient specifically for Didymos. --> Page 11: the time of impact paragraph should use consistent format for date/time. --> User's guide should explain the bias level feature that results in dark stripes in images and/or reference the SSR paper that describes these effects. --> Section 5: Calibration products - Says the units on the Flat Field images are DN/s. Should be unitless, normalized to an average of 1. --> is empty. If it is to be present it needs to have a DOI created and this field populated, otherwise remove the field. Do we really want a DOI for this document? Data ==== --> Calibrated data appears to be in units of DNs, but not DN/s as indicated by the users guide and SIS (from sample dataset). --> The images suggest that the count levels are currently in DN. 4.9 s images have half the value of 9.9 s images. Compare (4.9 s) and (9.9 s). –-> Reduction process is not normalizing to 1 sec integration time? Correct either the labels or the documentation to match. --> Error array and data quality array are all set to 0 for all images – are they place holders to be updated later? --> Meaning of flt directory should be described in the documentation. --> RA and Dec are included, but Celestial North Clock Angle is undefined. Useful to know for the orientation of the vapor plume. Have a quaternion for converting from instrument to J2000 coords and a WCS in the header, so this should be computable. Other geometry would be useful for future data sets. Other data sets contain additional geometric values --> Kernels are listed in the labels, but the only geometry included is the predicted RA and Dec of the boresight. None of the CK kernels listed are available at NAIF. If the references to kernels are not resolvable, remove them from the labels. --> Recommend including additional geometry in future data sets. Include geometry in the header/label for ease of use. Facilitates radiometric calibration process. files: data/calibrated/*.xml --> for these data should be "Partially Processed". --> For the calibrated products, is there a definition for the values in the LLORRI Quality Flag Image object? --> For the calibrated products, there are no image Display Settings in the label for the error and quality 2d arrays, only for the image 2d array. files: 'data/.../*.xml' --> In the , please make the values unique. Currently they are the same for all products of a similar type or processing level. Adding the unique LID part should be sufficient. --> The <Target_Identification><name> is listed as "65803". I believe this should be expanded to say "(65803) Didymos". --> typo line 8 of uncalibrated products: "" => "" Note the "/img/" vs "/disp/". file: collection.xml --> Typo: <Product_Collection>:<Identification_Area>:<Citation_Information>:<description>: instrumnet -> instrument --> A DOI should be produced and added to the <Citation_Information>. SBN can help with this. --> Since this data set claims to have raw data, should add to the <Primary_Result_Summary> another instance of <processing_level> to be added to the "Calibrated" (change to "Partially Processed") instance. EN Review ========= data_didymos/data/uncalibrated/flt/*/*.xml - Incorrect white space in a lid_reference, e.g. <lid_reference> urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01</...> should be <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01</...> - The lid_references to lucy.llori may be incorrect, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_eng_01 urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01 whereas LIDs in lucy.llorri had "_calibrated" or "_raw" before the last colon: urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_calibrated:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_sci urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_raw:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_eng