MVIC Data Format Liens ====================== Documentation ============= file: 22668.07-MVIC-SIS-01 R0 C0 draft kaplan.docx --> Page 11 - 12: Hierarchical description of Product_Observational is not consistent with the actual xml: In xml but not in description: Citation_Information, Reference_List In description but not in xml: File_Area_Supplemental In both but using different names (?): Discipline_Dictionaries vs. Discipline_Area --> The PDS4 .xml label is missing for this document. --> Page 9: SPOC? --> Page 9, section What is "space data"? This section is hard to follow. Need more context. --> Page 10, table 2-4: Mission phases listed here may not be complete, e.g., multiple cruise phases are not included. --> Page 12, section 2.4.2 not complete. --> Page 13 – 14: Section 3.1 is incomplete (or mostly empty), more details needed for the data products structure and organization. Will calibration data be included? --> FITS keys listed in Table 3-1 are not entirely consistent with the actual keys in FITS headers. --> Many sections are incomplete. Not obvious if any sections are missing. --> SIS questions whether specific items (including Temperature, Voltage and Current fields) need to be included. Is there some reason to include these? Carry along in FITS headers for the record, but not in labels? --> SIS notes that "There are many kernels...". Can reference a metakernel rather than including every file. Requires that metakernels be archived and available, as well as individual files. Data ==== file: data_calibrat4ed/mvi_acqtime_obsid_2.xml --> Not associated with a data product. Not clear was it is for. Calibration files? Included in error, or associated files not included? files: data_*/*.xml --> XML labels for both raw and calibrated data have an error. Value for includes an errant apostrophe at the end. --> Many geometric parameters are in the header/labels. Suggestions for additional parameters: – Solar phase angle – Celestial North clock angle – Ecliptic North clock angle – Sun clock angle – Target positive pole clock angle – Sub-observer latitude and longitude – Sub-solar latitude and longitude --> Some keywords (e.g., PA_ZINST and PA_SUN_Z) are undefined, shouldn't be keywords. --> Missing keys listed in SIS Table 3-1: OBJECT, BORERA, BOREDEC, CLKANG, INSTRU (actual in header is INSTRUME), DATE-OBS (vs. DATE), LRSTART, LREND, GRT, ARCHDATE, ... --> Subtracted background array in calibrated data are all 4500. Calibration coefficients have a distribution of non-zero values. Are they correct or just place holders for now? Needs to be explained somewhere. --> Error array and data quality array should be provided? EN Review ========= lucy.mvic/data_calibrated/mvi_0719212908_02230_sci_01.xml - Is this lid_reference ok? urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_ega1_calibrated:mvi_0719212908_02230_eng This would match the provided label in data_raw urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_ega1_raw:mvi_0719212908_02230_eng