RSS Data Format Liens ===================== Data ==== --> Missing mission.lucy investigation context product. file: lucy_2022_274_2022_305_ion.xml --> In the Global Positioning System observing component , "troposphere" should be "ionosphere" --> In Reference_List, missing collection ID for for dsn trk documentation. "radiosci.documentation.dsk.trk-2-23" -> "radiosci.documentation:dsn.trk-2-23:2000-05-31" file: lucy_2022_285_104518_2022_285_165503_53.xml --> Discrepancy between LID used in product "data_cruise1_tracking" and the delivered data collection ID "data_cruis1_rss" --> in Primary Result Summary description includes may cause compiling issues. --> Titles should be unique. --> Investigation Area lists OSIRIS-REx mission instead of LUCY. --> Include antennas used as observing system components. --> Validation report: error.table.field_value_data_type_mismatch. Value does not match its data type 'ASCII_String'. --> The label fails validate, primarily from content validation errors associated with "Value does not match its data type ASCII_String." I believe the reason is because there are leftover records with a secondary CHDO data type of C044. This data descriptor is indicating the SFDU was marked invalid by the DSN and more importantly is not documented in the TRK-2-34 Software Interface Spec. In the past, the DSN Radiometric Data Conditioning Team (RMDC) would have deleted these records before submitting to oscarx. In my deliveries (Juno, InSight, etc), I remove these SFDUs prior to delivery to avoid invalid data going to PDS. As a test, I deleted those SFDUs, and re-labeled the file with my software and there were no issues. I can provide the modified data file and sample label if desired. --> Many strange character translations in field descriptions, as well as lines missing (as compared to other versions of TNF labels). EN Review ========= lucy.radioscience/data_cruise1_rss/trk234/lucy_2022_285_104518_2022_285_165503_53.xml - The first table is specified correctly, but the latter aren't. For example, this label says the second table begins at byte 3381742 (which seems correct), with 14577 records of length 378 bytes (both wrong?). In looking at the binary, the record at byte 3381742 seems to have 1 record of 454 bytes before 211 records of 378 bytes. - Somehow, for only this file, the URL to the schematron file is http not https:" ... which should be https://...