data_didymos/data/uncalibrated/flt/*/*.xml - Incorrect white space in a lid_reference, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01 should be urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01 - The lid_references to lucy.llori may be incorrect, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_eng_01 urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_didymos:lor_0717462911_02260_sci_01 whereas LIDs in lucy.llorri had "_calibrated" or "_raw" before the last colon: urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_calibrated:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_sci urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_raw:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_eng lucy_context/*.xml maybe all, at least lucy_leisa - Change URLs from http:// to https:// lucy_context/asteroid.617_patroclus_1.1.xml - The version in the filename mismatches. File should be named asteroid.617_patroclus_1.2.xml lucy_context/lucy__1.0.xml - Suggestion: in the filename, replace '_' with '.'. On the EN web page, those filenames will have '.' - In each file in 4 spots, replace "ctli/v1" wit "ctli/v2", i.e. should be lucy_context/lucy_rss_1.0.xml - The URL at the end of xsi:schemaLocation is ..._20000.xsd not _2000.xsd: lucy_context/mission.lucy_1.0.xml - Typo: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.21800_orus should be (21800 should be 21900) urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.21900_orus lucy_ldd_* - Which version is correct? I ignored _20230413 because 1) lucy.leisa needs lucy_ldd_20230308 2) Some labels have (defined in _20230308) lucy:lr_acquisition_start_black but none have (defined in _20230413) lucy:lr_acquisition_start_block lucy.leisa/data_*/lei_acqtime_obsid_*.xml - These files look like templates, not intended for review, e.g. the $'s in: $ fits_image_file $creationdatetime $file_size $num_records lucy.llorri/data_cruise1_calibrated/lor_0705960615_02254_00002_sci_01.xml - This lid_reference may be wrong urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_calibrated:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_eng Should it match the provided label: urn:nasa:pds:lucy.llorri:data_cruise1_raw:lor_0705960615_02254_00002_eng lucy.llorri/document/ - This looks unready. No pdf file, and the label has $year $description ... $filename.pdf PDF/A lucy.ltes/data_cruise1_calibrated/tes_0719078834_00000_sci_01.xml - xsi:schemaLocation is missing the definition of DISP, and LUCY's URL looks like the developer's local copy. Maybe replace the last line with - Many elements are blank but can't be, e.g. type, lid_reference, lucy:mission_segment, ... - Many other syntax errors - This label had many data_to_raw_product lid_references, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_cruise1_raw:tes_0719077727_02063_eng The format slightly mismatches the LIDs in data_cruise1_raw, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_cruise1_raw:tes_0719077727_02063_eng_01 lucy.ltes/data_cruise1_calibrated/tes_0719078834_00000_sci_01.hdf - I don't think PDS4 allows HDF. If I'm wrong and it is allowed, the xml label provided does not correctly describe the data, as both validate and pds4_viewer can't read this. lucy.ltes/data_cruise1_calibrated/lte_0874281421_sci_1.xml - This file looks like a template, not intended for review, e.g. the $'s in: $filename.hdf data $creationdatetime $file_size $num_records lucy.ltes/document/ltes_document.xml - This looks unready. No pdf file, and the label has $year $description ... $filename.pdf PDF/A lucy.mission/document_mission/mission_document.xml - This looks unready, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:$lid $author $editor $year $document description lucy.mvic/data_calibrated/mvi_0719212908_02230_sci_01.xml - Is this lid_reference ok? urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_ega1_calibrated:mvi_0719212908_02230_eng This would match the provided label in data_raw urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:data_ega1_raw:mvi_0719212908_02230_eng lucy.mvic/data_calibrated/mvi_acqtime_obsid_2.xml - This file looks like a template. lucy.radioscience/data_cruise1_rss/trk234/lucy_2022_285_104518_2022_285_165503_53.xml - The first table is specified correctly, but the latter aren't. For example, this label says the second table begins at byte 3381742 (which seems correct), with 14577 records of length 378 bytes (both wrong?). In looking at the binary, the record at byte 3381742 seems to have 1 record of 454 bytes before 211 records of 378 bytes. - Somehow, for only this file, the URL to the schematron file is http not https:" ... which should be https://... lucy.ttcam/.../*xml - These URLs in the prolog and root tag are off: should be lucy.ttcam/data_calibrated/tt2_0719081654_51205_sci_01.xml - No LID provided matches this lid_reference: That may be fine, but the provided raw file's LID had a different format urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ttcam:data_ega1_raw:tt2_0719081654_51205_eng