LDT Raw, Calibrated, Derived Data and Documentation Liens ========================================================= Documentation ============= --> Now that DART is done, some "will" in the documents should be changed to properly reflect that. file: collection_data_ldtcal_overview.txt --> Typo in ldtcal overview file. "Calibrated images consist of a single fits file containing the raw image". raw -> calibrated --> Expand with one of 2 sentences on the .png images. --> typo: "Dimoprhos" => "Dimorphos". This was fixed in v1.0, but is here again. file: 'data_ldtraw/collection_data_ldtraw_overview.txt' --> typo twice: "Dimoprhos" => "Dimorphos". This was fixed in v1.0, but is here again. file: *_overview.txt --> Reference the sis file. --> What was the standard of picking the image quality? Is it recorded somewhere? file: collection_data_ldtddp_overview.txt --> for aprad give the pixel resolution. --> Note that this file mentions that the "ldt_20230314_didymos_photometry.tab" file has low data quality. I would recommend you use the LIDVID, not a filename as the filename may not be preserved. --> Note that this file mentions that the "ldt_20230314_didymos_photometry.tab" file has low data quality. I would recommend you use the LIDVID, not a filename as the filename may not be preserved. XML Labels ========== Photometry --> Give the pixel resolution in the description for aprad files: '*/collection*.xml' --> The values were updated in the v1.0 release and should be updated here as well. --> --> raw: DART Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) Raw Data Collection --> --> cal: DART Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) Calibrated Data Collection --> --> ddp: DART Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) Derived Data Product Collection --> The <description> values were replaced with meaningless text. Please replace and update with what was in the prior version. --> --> Example from data_ldtcal v1.0: =================== <description>We obtained images of the (65803) Didymos system and supporting calibration images with the Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) through a VR filter. These images were taken in order to determine the orbit period of Dimorphos, the satellite of Didymos. This collection consists of the Lowell calibrated images, the supporting calibration images: master bias frame images, and master flat field images, and the reference star PNGs.</description> =================== --> I would not expect there to be a Target_Identification section for the document collection. Please remove. --> The data collections have an erroneous carriage return within the <lid_reference> field for DART in the Investigation_Area. Please remove. --> The data collections have an erroneous carriage return within the <lid_reference> field for the first Internal_Reference in the Reference_List for the SIS. Please remove. --> The data collections needs to add a link to the overview document to the Reference_List. --> Consider making the collection.xml internal reference to the overview document a LIDVID reference instead of LID reference. This is due to newer versions of an overview document being pointed to by an older version of the collection when the newer version overview document may not correctly apply to it. file: 'data_ldtddp/collection_data_ldtddp.csv' --> The version number for the the LIDVID urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_ldtddp:collection_data_ldtddp_overview should be "2.0" not "1.0" file: 'data_ldtraw/collection_data_ldtraw.csv' --> The first LIDVID has two errors, first "urnn" => "urn" and second it is missing a version. It should be: urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_ldtraw:collection_data_ldtraw_overview::1.0 Data ==== --> Not a direct correlation between raw and calibrated data sets. See 74 raw data files that are not in the calibrated data. Some are poor quality (clouds, stars) but some look fine. Measurements are not included in photometry tables. "Lost" during reduction process, not archiving process. --> See 10 calibrated data files that are not in the raw data. Measurements are included in the photometry table. No explanation for why they are not in raw data. --> List of discrepancies is given in file raw_cal_disc.txt. Include the files or provide a note in the documentation that they are not included and why. --> Some PNG images don't seem to have accurate astrometric solutions. Offset in positions. I don’t know how many are bad. One group: lmi_20201217 Frames 0070 - 0100 Doesn’t seem to affect the photometry. Just an error in the plotting or is astrometry bad? files: 'data_ldtddp/ldt*/*photometry.{tab,xml}' --> The SBN strongly encourages the use of the <field_format> keyword for all fields in a table. Please add these. --> Filenames are used to link individual data rows to the source data, but in PDS4 filenames are not fixed nor relevant and may change. A better field would be to use the LIDVID. EN Review ========= urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_ldtcal *.xml - 3 lid_references in each file have incorrect LIDs urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:lowell.ldt4m3 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lowell.ldt4m3.lmi urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.didymos should be urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:lowell.discovery_4m3 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lowell.discovery_4m3.lmi urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos collection_data_ldtcal_overview.txt collection_data_ldtcal_overview.xml - These files must be renamed, as "collection" is reserved. Suggestion: also remove "collection" from its LID. collection_data_ldtcal.xml - White space, including CR, is not allowed within lid_reference, so <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.double_asteroid_redirection_test </lid_reference> should be <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.double_asteroid_redirection_test</lid_reference> Similarly for <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_ldt:lowell_dart_uncalibrated_calibrated_sis </lid_reference> ldt_*/master_*.xml - These have no lid_reference within Target_Identification. Suggestion: add lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.bias or urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.flat_field though I don't know what DOME FLAT (in element name) is.