urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw::3.0 bundle_dart_spacecraft.xml has - If this file is under review, readme.txt Introduction to the bundle but https://sbnreview.astro.umd.edu/revpro/dart202309/dart/ has no readme.txt - This LID is unknown: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:dart.hga Please submit a context product for that LID with EN when available. collection_data_dracoraw.xml - Element creation_date_time must have a value, not - https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/documents/policy/PolicyOnDOI10142020.pdf requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from https://pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov/content/doi commissioning/.../*.xml cruise/.../*.xml & others? - These labels have element Target_Identification but no lid_reference within. If desired, EN can help create LIDs and context products for those targets. commissioning/2021/336/*.xml - These have illegal values for Target_Identification/type, e.g. Hardware or Instrument cover Suggestion: 'Equipment', 'Calibrator' are among the legal values. commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376598300_24677_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376598512_25819_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376598723_28823_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376599358_24464_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376599569_27471_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376599992_26784_03_raw.xml commissioning/2021/341/dart_0376600309_25536_03_raw.xml - these labels have elements without required attribute unit: The attribute is required even if the value is missing.Go urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated::1.0 *.xml - These LIDs are unknown: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.leia urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.luke Please submit the context products for those LIDs with EN when available. - Every data label has a subtle error with dart:correct_image_time, e.g. 2022-09-16T05:37:49.000 should be 2022-09-16T05:37:49.000Z because the DART ldd defines that element's type to be ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC, which requires the trailing 'Z'. - Every data label has two consecutive dart:liciacube_calibration_file, e.g. liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.fits liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001.fits However, the DART ldd says that element has minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" meaning that that element can occur 0 or 1 times, not 2. - pds4_viewer (an app to visualize PDS4 data) vertically orients the opposite of the .png file and the FITS viewer. If that is a problem, change Top to Bottom to Bottom to Top - Every data label's 2 lid_references to calibration files match no LIDs, i.e. urn:nasa:pds:dart:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001 urn:nasa:pds:dart:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_col_001 don't match the LIDs of the labels in calibration/, which are urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001 urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_col_001 - Suggestion: in every data label, add a lid_reference to the target, i.e. urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos data_to_target bundle_liciacube_spacecraft.xml - If this file is under review, readme.txt Introduction to the bundle but https://sbnreview.astro.umd.edu/revpro/dart202309/liciacube/ has no readme.txt - This LID is slightly off urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803.didymos should be (_ not .) urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos calibration/liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.xml - element Special_Constants should be within Array_3D, not outside, i.e. change 1E32 to 1E32 collection_leia_calibrated.csv - Lines should end in CRLF but don't - The values (field 2, after the comma) don't match the labels, e.g. this file has P,urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006::1.0 which no label has, but liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006_01.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006_01 i.e. the trailing _01 is missing. collection_leia_calibrated.xml - This LID is slightly off urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803.didymos should be (_ not .) urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos - This lid_reference is probably wrong: urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document:lcc_leia_luke_sis_v2 while liciacube/document/lcc_leia_luke_sis.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document:lcc_leia_luke_sis - The LID in this lid_reference is unknown: urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:collection_leia_calibrated collection_to_document Text file which gives an overview of the leia calibrated Data Collection. while leia_calibrated_overview.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:leia_calibrated_overview - https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/documents/policy/PolicyOnDOI10142020.pdf requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from https://pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov/content/doi urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcoimacsddp::1.0 looks good urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcoswopeddp::1.0 *.xml - Two lid_references are slightly off. urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_campanas.swope_1m urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_campanas.swope_1m.4k_ccd should be urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_campanas.swope_1m0 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_campanas.swope_1m0.4k_ccd The latter needs to be created. Please work with EN to create the instrument context product. collection_data_lcoswopeddp_overview.txt collection_data_lcoswopeddp_overview.xml - These files must be renamed, as "collection" is reserved. Suggestion: also remove "collection" from its LID. urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcogt_fliraw::1.0 *.xml - Each file here has 3 lid_references to telescopes and instruments: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.las_cumbres urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes.fli The first is fine. Can you replace the latter two with the existing: urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes.sinistro Note that instrument_host in PDS4 is for spacecraft. Does fli need its own LID/context product separate from sinstro? That's doable. collection_data_lcogt_fliraw.csv - The LID in the first line has a typo at the end. urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcogt_fliraw:collection_data_lcogt_fliraw_overvie should be urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcogt_fliraw:collection_data_lcogt_fliraw_overview collection_data_lcogt_fliraw.xml - The Observing_System section should contain at least a superset of the context products in the data labels, so if the earlier bullet is heeded: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.las_cumbres urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes.sinistro and/or .fli. What are these? I don't see their documentation in the bundle. LCOGT 1m0-10 Telescope LCOGT 1m0-12 Telescope LCOGT 1m0-13 Telescope If those are specific telescopes, EN will gladly help build the context products and LIDs for them, then this label can add lid_references, and the data labels in their respective directories can also add those lid_references. urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_lcogtcal::1.0 *.xml - Please replace urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes with the existing: urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes collection_data_lcogtcal.xml - Suggestion: the lid_references in this file should at least be a union of those in its data labels, so add lid_references to: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.las_cumbres urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes.sinistro as well as (hopefully) urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:las_cumbres.1m0_telescopes urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_ldtcal *.xml - 3 lid_references in each file have incorrect LIDs urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:lowell.ldt4m3 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lowell.ldt4m3.lmi urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.didymos should be urn:nasa:pds:context:telescope:lowell.discovery_4m3 urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lowell.discovery_4m3.lmi urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos collection_data_ldtcal_overview.txt collection_data_ldtcal_overview.xml - These files must be renamed, as "collection" is reserved. Suggestion: also remove "collection" from its LID. collection_data_ldtcal.xml - White space, including CR, is not allowed within lid_reference, so urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.double_asteroid_redirection_test should be urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.double_asteroid_redirection_test Similarly for urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_ldt:lowell_dart_uncalibrated_calibrated_sis ldt_*/master_*.xml - These have no lid_reference within Target_Identification. Suggestion: add lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.bias or urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.flat_field though I don't know what DOME FLAT (in element name) is. urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_mroraw mro_230211/comps_230211.png mro_230217/comps_230217.png mro_230225/comps_230225.png - Somehow, these three files are not referenced by any labels, whereas the earlier ones are pointed to by multiple File_Area_Observational_Supplemental. mro_221011/m221011.0013.xml + 310 others - These do not have didymos as the target. Suggestion: in Sky Calibration Field add lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibration_field.sky urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_mro collection_document_mro.csv - The LID on the first line urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:mro_doc:mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis should be urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:document_mro:mro_2p4m_dart_pds_sis urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004 bundle_dart_shapemodel.xml - If this file is under review, readme.txt Introduction to the bundle but https://sbnreview.astro.umd.edu/revpro/dart202309/dart_shapemodel/ has no readme.txt collection_data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004.csv - Line 64 has a LID not in any label in this directory P,urn:nasa:pds:dart_shapemodel:data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004:dimorphos_impact_point_model::1.0 collection_data_derived_dimorphos_model_v004.xml - Line 118: urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw:overview_dracoraw should be, to match dart/data_dracoraw/overview_data_dracoraw.xml: urn:nasa:pds:dart:data_dracoraw:overview_data_dracoraw - https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/documents/policy/PolicyOnDOI10142020.pdf requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from https://pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov/content/doi dtm/dimorphos_g_0972mm_spc_dtm_0000n00000_v004.fits dtm/dimorphos_g_1940mm_spc_dtm_0000n00000_v004.fits - Did these files get chopped? Their sizes are 15Meg and 6.5Meg, but the final Array_2D_Image in both labels is 26036740 (26Meg) gravity/*_grv_*.xml - 6 should be 10 shape/*_obj_*.obj - The lines must end in CRLF, as specified by line 168 in the .xml file shape/*_obj_*.xml - Line 101: element records should precede element comment - Lines 111, 161: local_identifier can't have spaces, so perhaps change Vertex Table Facet Table to VertexTable FacetTable - Line 163: element records must have a value - If the line endings of the .obj files stay as LF, many field_location and record_length values will need correcting. If the .obj files are converted to CRLF, the offset values of the two tables must be fixed. For example, the first file dimorphos_g_0243mm_spc_obj_0000n00000_v004.xml: 2792 1579014 should be 2855 1579014 104217779 3145728 urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:data_tnf::1.0 *.xml - This LID is unknown: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.hga Please submit the context product for that LID with EN when available. - The PDS4 Data Provider's Handbook suggests: create subdirectories and divide the files into them, perhaps by time. - Converge on a base LID. The LID for collection_data_tnf.xml: urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:data_tnf but the LIDs for the data files don't match, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:tnf:... collection_data_tnf.xml - https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/documents/policy/PolicyOnDOI10142020.pdf requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from https://pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov/content/doi lcc_hga_tnf_*.xml - Many fields have special constants, e.g. the description for transmit_num: "Values between 0 and 3 are allowed; 0 indicates unknown." Suggestion: add element Special_Constant, then the applicable child element, e.g. unknown_constant, invalid_constant, ... That would aid automated processing. urn:nasa:pds:gbl-classe:charon_exosphere *.xml - Suggestion: add lid_references to context products so that this collection turns up in searches. What laboratory was this work done in? Examples of laborator LIDs: urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:laboratory.hofmeister urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:laboratory.relab What instruments were used? Examples: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:hofmeister.da_3_02_ir_spec urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:relab.bc-ftir1 These were lab analogs of Charon? A target example: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:laboratory_analog.saturn.titan Please work with EN to create the context products that define the LIDs, e.g. the target LID would likely be urn:nasa:pds:context:target:laboratory_analog.134340_pluto.charon collection.xml - https://pds.nasa.gov/datastandards/documents/policy/PolicyOnDOI10142020.pdf requires all bundles have a doi. Citation_Information/doi would use this. For SBN, perhaps collections should. DOIs can be obtained from https://pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov/content/doi