Lucy General Liens ================== --> Display Settings must be included in all files that include image data, including calibration files, ancillary files, etc. --> There is pervasive confusion in image array axis naming and orientation in PDS files from the FITS files because of the storage order difference. This should be checked in all cases. This wiki page may help: --> DOIs will be assigned at the collection level for data collections. These should include keywords, where possible. Please use the UAT to select concepts: --> Bundles should all have README documents. These should generally be short (i.e., 200-1000 words at most) and primarily should define in human-readable form the range and content of the bundle. --> Collections should all have Overview documents. These can be flat text or PDF, whichever is easier. They should describe the coverage of the collection (in human-readable terms), and any key features or caveats a potential user should know about. Again, the target length is typically 500-1000 words for data collections. This is not quite the same thing as a “user’s guide”, although for data in simple formats (tables or plain ol’ 2D images, e.g.), this may suffice --> In all cases, issues identified in Richard Chen’s report (included below) should be taken as liens. If questions arise, please contact Ben Hirsch. --> The collection Citation_information values describe the bundle not, the collection. Please think of this field as kind of the abstract for each collection and provide there what you might want to be seen as a brief abstract. EN Review ========= *.xml - Please provide context products for the context LIDs referenced here, i.e. urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.leisa urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.llorri urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.ltes urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.mvic urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.rss urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lucy.ttcam urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.lucy urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.lucy */bundle.xml - per bundle.xml needs Citation_Information/doi, obtainable via - None has any lid_reference to a target. Ideally, bundle.xml has a union of lid_references of its collections, which in turn have a union of lid_references from their products. */*/collection_inventory.csv - Every line is missing its VID, as primary members must be LIDVIDs not LIDs */*/collection.xml - All have a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:lucy.inst:document:ocamssis Is there such a bundle and such a document? If so, no problem. - All have a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucymissioninfo Please check that this LID will exist. The lucy.radioscience review bundle in May 2023 also had this lid_reference */data_*/ - If these directories will have more data files later, the PDS4 Standards Reference suggests dividing them into subdirectories. *.xml - Some URLs of dictionaries point to local files but should be